
Third, replace the lubricant

Oil lubricated tapered bearing in addition to the old oil spilled after, if possible, and then poured fresh oil and let the machine at low speed rotation a few minutes. Residual oil to collect as much as possible contaminants, and then spilled addition to these oil, oil in the best first filtered before use.
Fourth, the cover exposed bearing
1, check the bearings, do not let the bearings exposed to contaminants or moisture. If the work is interrupted, should be oiled paper or similar material plastic film covering the machine.
2, if the check is performed without removing the case may be cleaned under no masking the Roller bearing to be applied with a brush to coat with oil solvent (whitespirit) cleaning, then a dry lint-free cloth or blow with compressed air dry (be careful not to let the bearing assembly starting rotation).
3, similar to a small mirror and dental probe used to check that the bearing surface of the track, the holder and beads.
Fifth, the implementation of re-lubrication.
A non-encrypted cleaning dust cover or bearing; just wipe the external surfaces can be.
2, if the bearing was damaged when the case is to be replaced. In the periodic maintenance shutdown period than replacement bearings bearing damage caused by the sudden shutdown of the loss of more economic and more.

