
How to use low-noise bearing grease seals

class = MsoNormal> foreign low-noise sealed bearings with grease broadly divided into three categories: low speed bearing grease, general low-noise motor bearing grease, high temperature long life low noise bearing grease.

1 low speed Tapered bearing grease

Currently, the use of precision bearings with increasing sophistication, and promoting the bearing grease used must have the following properties:

(1) has the same Slewing bearin operating life, try to extend the maintenance cycle, reduce downtime, improve labor productivity.
(2) In the dn> 5 × 105 to ensure that the motor speed under low temperature, do not dump oil, thereby reducing power consumption to protect the motor.
(3) impurity content is controlled at a certain level below the maximum to reduce device noise pollution to the environment.
(4) in the ultra-low temperature operating conditions to ensure the flexibility of starting and running bearings ensure minimum output power.
2 Universal low-noise motor bearing grease

In the bearing industry, the application of this grease the largest amount of total fat content of 70% with. As these greases selected fiber is soft, easily filtered lithium soap thickener made​​, the use of mineral oil as base oil, it is easy to meet lower middle and low bearing vibration requirements. Another advantage is a good pumping, whether mechanical grease, or hand-painted resin, are easy.

1 条评论:

  1. At Petron Plus Direct, we provide high temperature bearing grease specially formulated for extreme pressure bearing applications operating under high and low-temperature conditions
