
According to "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Act

Shandong Jining Urban expand "small crane" production points are set remediation
Source: www.jndcc.com Author: Date :2013 -7-22 16:29:24 Hits: 28
        "Small crane" attributed to special equipment, related to the safety of people's lives, more dangerous. Jining City, Shandong Province Bureau of Quality Supervision recently smitten on the area of ??some "small crane" making points tapered bearing  egulation to crack down on illegal production of "small crane." In view found that some illegal "small crane" making points as follows widespread doubt: First, the owners do not have the qualifications lifting machinery production, but no depict drawings and testing equipment, the mere own Slewing bearing  making lifting machinery; Second to save costs, the use of state banned the use of scrap automobile chassis production of "small crane", through painting from scratch, creating a brand new "small crane"; three rolling machine with operators for protection, not only out of production rolling machine, and secretly steal production of "small crane."
         According to "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Act" rule, special equipment production units need special equipment supervision by the State Council administrative department promised, promised to obtain special equipment production qualification certificate, there is compatible with the production of technical personnel, skilled workers, production conditions and testing equipment, production process, it is necessary to have a sound management principles and responsibilities of criteria before they are allowed special equipment production activities. Such "small crane" rule fails to produce production point production, there is a big security risk, disrupted the market order, severe damage to the interests of consumers.

