
Summary of basic knowledge of automotive bearings

 Auto Precision bearing installation, use and maintenance of common sense : FANUCCNC systems and tools to connect and adjust wire cutting in the selection of the drive wire range of applications and market analysis procedures D80 constant volume blower forging technology SINUMERIK810D / 840D condensed commissioning Manual - alarm PowerMILL7.0 new functions and features threaded parts 9 CNC lathe programming source NC machining tool compensation Botek system is suitable for deep hole machining tool parts CNC milling CNC type which is suitable for this part milling plus KV800 inverter knitting machine for the processing plant on the application brings powerful advantages machine 5 axis machine tool industry commonly bilingual history of the development project VSR solder joint fatigue life prediction horizontal Lathe modular and programmable controller applications motor shaft bearing currents caused by burning and preventive measures 240 vibration machine manufacturing Information Practice progress World maintenance knowledge to use to install a car bearing assembly tool is demolished car an important distinction ordinary mechanical bearings automotive bearings mobile environment using force status working conditions more complex automotive catch into a very precision machine parts installed correctly using lubrication and maintenance is essential to achieve the basic functions of catch into a clean kerosene petrol bearing mounting and dismounting bearings with matching check related parts cleaned ready for use .
Car with ordinary mechanical bearing an important difference is that in the mobile automotive bearings used in an environment , so its force status and working conditions more complex, while catching a car as a very precise mechanical parts , the correct installation and use , lubrication and maintenance for the realization of the basic functions essential to catch .
Bearing installation and removal
With clean kerosene or gasoline will tapered bearing and related parts mated to clean ;
Check the bearing is ready to use consistent with the original model , with matching part size is qualified ;
With a special assembly tool pressed into the bearing sleeve , tool sleeve diameter must not exceed the outside diameter of the bearing wall , mounting force should be uniform , not shock and barbaric assembly ;
Bearings should be rotated after installation of bearings and related components to see if there catching phenomenon and abnormal noise ;
By host components required to fill the specified grease or oil ;

In the assembly of large bearings and bearing and shaft bore large amount of interference between the products must be the bearing oil bath heating, oil temperature at 80 degrees Celsius ; bearing removal , you must use special tools drawing class

