
Sealed drawn cup needle roller bearings

Drawn cup needle Roller bearing outer ring is thin steel precision stamping, structural space, and has a larger load capacity. For mounting space is limited and the housing bore should not be used as raceways occasions. And pressed into the bearing hole after having further axial positioning.
Main structure:
Structural features bearing code
HK Piercing Needle roller bearings
HK ... RS Piercing drawn cup needle roller bearings with single-sided with a ring
HK ... 2RS Piercing drawn cup needle roller bearings with double-sided tape seals
BK Drawn cup needle roller bearings
BK ... RS Sealed drawn cup needle roller bearing side with a ring
F Piercing drawn cup full complement needle roller bearings
FY Piercing drawn cup full Cylindrical roller bearing bearings (grease limit)
MF Drawn cup full complement needle roller bearings
MFY Drawn cup full complement needle roller bearings (grease limit)
SCE SCH Piercing Needle roller bearings
BEC BCH Drawn cup needle roller bearings
B drawn cup full complement needle roller bearings

Needle roller bearings without inner ring general class. If you need to use the inner ring, inner ring IR type can be used.
DF bearings Needle roller bearings are divided into both ends of perforation (HK-type) and bearing one end closed (BK type). And perforation drawn cup needle roller bearings, sealed bearing is sealed at one end, suitable for shaft, and can withstand small axial momentum.

Sealed drawn cup needle roller bearings
Sealed drawn cup needle roller bearings with ring seal, in the general working conditions, to protect the bearings from debris intrusion and grease leaks. Therefore, the use of a temperature of -20 ℃ -120 ℃ range, long-term operation. If resupply suitable grease or short-term use, can be used to +130 ℃.
Synthetic rubber seals, lip flexibility and core with steel liner, mechanical rigidity, in addition, to maintain the erected ring axial guide.
Drawn Cup Needle Roller Bearings:

Drawn Cup Needle Roller Bearings
HK BK series
Drawn cup needle roller bearings with seals
HK ... RS, HR ... 2RS, BK ... RS Series
Stamping full complement needle roller bearings
F, FH, MF, MFH, FY, MFY series
Drawn cup needle roller bearings Unidirectional
HF, HFL series
Needle roller cage assemblies
Radial needle roller cage assemblies
K, K. .. ZW, K. .. D, K. .. ZWD series
Long Cylindrical roller cage assembly
KNL series
Crank connecting rod, piston pin with needle retainer assembly
KZK series
KBK series
Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings
Without inner ring Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings
NK, NKS, RNA49, RNA69 series
Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings with inner ring
NKI, NKIS, NA49, NA48, NA69 series
Heavy loads with a ring needle roller bearings with inner ring
RNA49 ... RS, RNA49 ... 2RS, NA49 ... RS, NA49 ... 2RS series
Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings with ribs
RNAO series
Needle roller bearings without ribs heavy loads
NAO series
Aligning Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings
RPNA, PNA Series
Full Heavy Duty Needle Roller Bearings
RNAV, NAV series
Track Roller Bearings
Bearing rollers without axial guidance
RSTO, STO series
With a ring bearing rollers without axial guidance
RNA22 ... 2RS, NA22 ... 2RS series
Curve rollers with axial guidance
NUTR, NATV series
Curve roller with bolt
KR, KRV, NUKR series
IR, LR Series
Thrust needle roller cage assemblies
Thrust needle roller cage assemblies
AXK series
With centering thrust needle roller cage assemblies
AXW series
Cylindrical thrust roller cage assembly
K811, K812, K871, K894 series
Automotive Needle Roller Bearings

