
One-way bearing:

The nominal one-way bearing stiffness values ​​listed in the table, the table can be found in the product.

They are suitable for both Slewing bearing  bearing sleeve in a back-to-back or face-unloading arrangements. Bearing sleeve is made of three or four bearings (Figure) can provide two sets of bearing axial stiffness is higher than the degree.

The degree of stiffness of the bearing sleeve, are listed in the table can be multiplied by a factor values:

- 1,45 to 1,65 sleeve bearings and three, schedule synchronization and backup-to-back or face-
- 1,8 to 2,25 four bearing sleeve, schedule synchronization and backup-to-back or face-
- For the four bearing sleeve 2, arranged back-to-back or face-

Lower value factor for bearing axial light load (P ≤ 0.05 C) and the larger the value of the larger axial load (P> 0,1 C) to the bearing.

Heavier preload bearing sleeve provides a higher degree, but stiff, this should be considered aggravated pretension to avoid friction and heat greatly increased from one generated by the bearing stiffness high academic requirements, please apply engineering services, their cases have simulation tools to estimate the friction behavior, preload increases.

