
Operations research report bearing industry outlook

Through the "2012-2016 China Bearing Industry analysis and investment prospects operational status report", the production enterprises and investment institutions will fully understand the product market, raw material supply, sales, market supply and demand, effective customers, potential customers and other detailed information for the study competitors, market positioning, product features, product pricing, marketing mode, marketing network and enterprise development to provide a scientific basis for decision making.
    Slewing bearing all kinds of mechanical and electrical products as an important support and maintenance of machine parts, with friction is small, easy to start, acceleration fast, compact, "three" (standardization, serialization, universal) level is high, adapt to the modern age mechanical requirements of the work performance, long life and easy maintenance features, its performance level, quality and performance of the precision of the host has a direct impact, are widely used in various fields of national economy.
    Bearings are our strategic focus on the development of basic industries, after sixty years of development, China's bearing industry already has a strong technical strength and large production capacity. "Eleventh Five-Year" period, China's bearing industry maintained steady and rapid development momentum, the main business income of an average annual increase of 18.20 percent, an average annual increase bearing 20.11% yield. Bearing industry has made great progress, for the completion of bearing power to lay a solid foundation.
    Since the second half of 2011, subject to national policy from the past "growth" in order to clear the "structural adjustment" as the main orientation of the transition, the hosting industry product development by the high level of growth into the escalating impact, coupled with the the international debt crisis in the Euro zone, especially since in August, exports for three consecutive months of decline. The combined effect of the situation at home and abroad, the bearing industry's economic emergence of the changes from high to low, but due to the rapid development of the first half of 2011 the industry remains a steady YoY growth.
    January-March 2012, bearing manufacturing sales revenue totaled 45,405,300,000 yuan, an increase of 19.60%; bearing manufacturing profit amounted to 1.8812 billion yuan.
    "Twelve Five" period of China's bearing industry will continue steady growth, first of all, the bearings are expendable machine parts, in addition to new projects and new machinery will pull the bearing requirements, machinery products increased ownership and use of rate increase will increase the consumption of the bearing; Second, with the continuous development of our national economy, increasing automation, the host requires increasingly high, and thus the bearing performance and technical requirements are growing, new product after another, demand will continue to increase

