
What is the inner expansion coefficient?

Backing bearings heater use of FAQs
Bearing heater Frequently Asked Questions
1. Heating bearings bearing itself would affect it?
  A: Bearing heating temperature should not exceed 120 degrees. As long as that at 120 degrees on the bearing is absolutely safe, because, according to the characteristics of bearing steel, more than 120 degrees causes the bearing clearance and preload changes, with the slow song, early damage and other problems.
Of course, with a special heat-treated bearings can heat up to 200 degrees.
2. Bearing heater runs on the human body have any effect?
A: Our products are used by a frequency of 50 Hz frequency. And rice cookers and other appliances is the same frequency on the human body is absolutely safe, you can say it affects the human body far and a cell phone.
. Maximum diameter can be heated much?
Answer: AUELY product is maximum outer diameter of the rated unit, because the same diameter but different workpiece diameter is completely different, such as a gear diameter 100mm diameter has reached 1000mm, so just look at the inside diameter is not comprehensive.
 What is the inner expansion coefficient?
A: Schedule for reference
    Typically, the inner diameter of the bearing 100 is heated to expand the inner ring 100 degrees 10 wire. (Of course, depends on the actual work situation, cage material differences in the thickness of the different expansion coefficients will be on the impact)
 Can be heated up to the temperature?
Answer: AUELY heater has two heating modes: temperature mode and time mode
The maximum temperature mode, set the temperature to 250 degrees, (except special specifications), time mode is not limited.
We need the height of the workpiece is heated enough how to do?
A: If the workpiece is too high too wide solution has two kinds of
1 plus home column extension rod, that the U-shaped ends of the heating workpieces booster.
2 Customization: Design - confirmation - test run - improve - Finished Delivery
 heat evenly heating the workpiece do?
A: The uniform is relative, depending on two aspects heated evenly
    1 plane bearing: inner heat evenly, with a larger temperature difference between the outer ring, the inner ring is designed as a heater heating main, which is required for thermal sleeve.
2 Artifact: asymmetric shape. Irregular, too, have an impact on both long workpieces

