
"second Five Year Plan" the smooth implementation

China Bearing Industry Association specifically Fellows Ho group preached State Council's "industrial restructuring and upgrading plan (2011 - 2015)", the State Ministry of the "industrial transformation and upgrading Investment Guide", "machine parts based on manufacturing processes and basic materials industry," second five "development planning "and other important planning document. Pointed out the need to strengthen the organization and leadership, multi-channel promotion, earnestly implement the industry key projects, and actively carry out the main tasks proposed plan to ensure that industry, "second Five Year Plan" the smooth implementation, promote the healthy and stable development.
China Bearing Industry Association executive vice president Wang Quanqing concluded at the meeting made ​​an important speech. He succinctly analyzed the complicated economic situation at home and abroad. Planning Commission fully affirmed the work of the Fifth Committee. Sixth Committee on Planning Commission had placed high hopes and entrusted with the task, requiring close contact with the majority of the Planning Commission member companies, give full play to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission expert committee of organizing and guiding role, extensive industry research, understand, grasp and reflect the trends of the industry. In order to implement the "three bases" plan as the starting point to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, optimize the industrial structure and organizational structure, to further accelerate the pace of building tapered bearing power.
Delegates agreed that the meeting was the implementation of the whole industry, "second five" critical period of development planning an important meeting held in both industry, "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" will be a summary of the work, but also the "second five" development of the industry consultation the mobilization. Planning Commission established the Sixth Committee, will create a new situation in the industry planning and development consulting.

