
ntn bearing temperature during operation Cause Analysis

 ntn tapered bearing surface grinding metamorphic layer formation mechanism, the impact grinding metamorphic layer of the main factors is the grinding heat and grinding force. Here we have to analyze the reasons for ntn bearing heating, the resulting phenomena, and then find ways to solve and handle. Here's a brief talk about the causes of high bearing temperatures and solutions.
    ntn bearing temperature rise of the phenomenon
    (1), an alarm electric ring.
    (2), machine next to the water wheel disc mechanical failure light plate light, indicating the bearing temperature meter temperature, signal relay.
    (3), thermometer plate (intumescent thermometer) Black pin and yellow pin coincides or exceeds yellow needle.
    (4), the bearing temperature rise given fault signal.
    ntn bearing temperature rise causes
    (1), bearing cooling water interruption.
    (2), deterioration of the oil, the oil itself or run dirty oil deterioration, such as oil in the water causes increase in the acidity of the oil increases, it will reduce the oil lubrication, the bearing corroded, resulting in bearing temperature rise.
    ntn bearing temperature processing
    When the bearing temperature rises, first determine whether the malfunction, if they really rise, should be handled as follows:
    (1), check the cooling water pressure, flow and piping systems are normal. If water filter may be clogged down and can not handle, you can stop processing, when the confirmation able to work, and then put into use.
    (2), the governor oil pressure should be checked, if the oil pressure may cause the cooling water hydraulic valve closed.
    (3), check the bearing Are there differences in tone and bearing swing detect whether there is an exception.
    (4), taking oil samples observe whether there is oil color changes, and conduct tests to see whether the deterioration. If confirmed deterioration should be replaced with new oil shutdown.
    (5) Check the oil standard oil level is normal, if not normal, check the tank drain valve is closed. If you have already closed, should fill the oil, if it is sealed cushion permeability should stop processing.
    When we use ntn bearing, when the temperature is very high if we find the case, then quickly stop the operation of equipment, and then find out the causes and the solutions provided in accordance with the above-mentioned processes, but may be due to different reasons bearing heating, So, to solve in different ways, so we should treat specific conditions, with the help of the technical staff to complete.

