
They said the number of employees , competitors

first visited China showrooms  China headquarters  Investments Limited Deputy General Manager Tan Dylan to briefly introduce the company's main products and business profiles, exhibition hall exhibits a rich variety of tips to attract visitors who often stop to watch .
deputy general manager of China headquarters Tan further briefed the headquarters in China Ltd. and  Milestones Investment in China . They said the number of employees , competitors, the situation and development strategy , the guests certainly a good environment and quality services in Economic Development Zone, to provide enterprises full complement cylindrical roller bearing with the same time, the regional headquarters of  the selection and expressed appreciation for the vision , and issued a heartfelt wishes for further success in the development of China
Meanwhile on September 29 afternoon, the Science and Technology Department of Province Women's Federation and more than 100 people come to his party headquarters located  China Investment Co. , conducted a visit , and the Chinese headquarters of Ltd. Future Investment the success shows the expectations and wishes.


usually with rolling bearings or sliding bearings assembled into one

Machine shaft parts, especially the spindle , usually with rolling bearings or sliding bearings assembled into one , and a high speed of rotation , and sometimes it will produce a very high NNCF series bearing heat. This phenomenon if not removed , will cause angular contact ball bearings overheating , and to the corresponding parts of the machine to produce thermal deformation temperature , causes severe spindle and  is not high , which not only affects the accuracy and precision machine itself and bearing will burn .
In general, if used correctly  bearings can be used to reach far fatigue life. Accidental injury prematurely slim section ball bearing but there can not be resistant in case of use . This early damage and fatigue life relative , a failure or an accident is called the quality of use limits. Multiple causes the installation , pay attention to the lubrication on the use , invading foreign body from the outside , for the study of the shaft , the thermal effects of inadequate housing and so on.
Bearing on the state of damage , such as: angular contact ball bearing rings , ribs cards injury, may be considered as a reason for lack of lubricant , not suitable for the oil discharge structure defects, the intrusion of foreign bodies , bearing misalignment , shaft deflection is too large , there will be overlap of these reasons .
Thus , the survey only bearing damage , it is difficult to know the real cause of injury. However , if you know the use of machinery, conditions of use, the bearing structure around the bearing , to understand the situation before and after the accident , combined with state of the bearing damage , and several reasons, we can prevent similar incidents from recurring.


According to aspects of bearings distributor in China

According to aspects of bearings distributor in China, the world's leading bearings, seals,  services and lubrication systems suppliers - Swedish SKF Group in February 13, 2012 announced a $ 125 million acquisition of New York-based GBC bearings  Acquisition General Bearing Company in full compliance with SKF  use other brand product lines cylindrical roller bearing complement development strategy to further strengthen brand in other areas not covered by the market growth.
 "I am honored to be joining  Group expects will be able to accelerate the profitable growth of the bearing business, we emphasize the economic benefits of overseas production, General Bearing Corporation  in China's successful track record will make the Group unleashed, can Help  better serve these important markets. "General Bearing Co., Ltd. Mr. Chairman and CEO Davidtalked about in this acquisition.
 General Bearing Co., Ltd. will serve as a subsidiary of the Group to continue to operate independently. acquired  General Bearing Co., Ltd. , whose main brand is General and Hyatt, General Bearing paired tapered bearing  Company, under the leadership of Mr. David Gussack use of their factories in China for the U.S. automotive market and heavy marketing services, business development quite distributor in China with your look  General Bearing Company: was established in 1955, headquartered in the United States  in China has four factories: where a ball bearing factory, two home tapered roller bearings factories and a precision roller factory; total 1,750 employees, of which the United States 140, China 1,610 names; 2011 period, expected sales of about $ 155 million, and its operating margin and Skye Rover Group considerably. General Bearing Corporation  focus on its service industry supporting customers  and end-user capabilities, especially in trucks, trailers, automotive and industrial markets.


By NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal

2010 China International Exhibition, organized by the State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the National Energy Administration, China Coal Industry Association co-sponsored by the State Administration of Production Safety Supervision and Management Center for International Cooperation contractor, the theme was "safe and efficient  mining, green carbon use." In addition to showcasing the exhibition changing the mode of development of coal industry's achievements in scientific and technological innovations of coal enterprises, the main show coal production, preparation bearings for printing machine and processing, mine construction, coal transportation, coal mine safety, geological exploration, coal chemical industry, mine explosion practical aspects of advanced technology and equipment.
 Exhibition 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal origin of the Chinese, the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia and other countries and regions, more than 10 research institutions and numerous famous. As the world's largest bearing manufacturer  Seiko Co., Ltd., one of Japan (NSK), also participated in the exhibition.
 And exhibited a series of devices, bearing as many of the core components of mining machinery, almost throughout bearings for printing machine  all the equipment in the field. 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition on Coal, NSK exhibited a series of mine and all kinds of Bearings NSK Bearings special installation tools, test equipment, in-kind exhibition and novel video presentation attracted up to 2,000 people, the number of daily visitors to visit, a total of issue various samples sent up to 1,555 books, by the visitors alike.
By NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal, NSK with more exhibitors had extensive experience and information exchange, consolidate and develop more win-win partnership. The exhibition on the further development of NSK, has played a catalytic role.


Schaeffler Group President and CEO Dr

Mr. Klaus Rosenfeld Dresdner Bank AG board member since 2002, is responsible for Dresdner region's financial control, business investment.
 Schaeffler Group President double row cylindrical roller bearing and CEO Dr. Yu Ergen said Claudia Strobel Senfei De sir "Claudia Strobel Senfei De, we have listened to the views of many board members and experts acknowledged, you want to Schaeffler Group this challenging financial environment to grow, it must Schaeffler Group's financialsplit roller bearing management to make greater contributions to the cause, you understand? "replied Mr. Klaus Rosenfeld quite sure
efore February 18, has informed the German FAG Bearings Group's former chief financial officer Thomas Hetmann (46 years old) will leave the company after the transfer of its duties. Schaeffler Group thanked Mr Thomas Hetmann the hard work and dedication to the company.


The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification

Solid state phase transition, by the method of rapidly heating the surface layer part of the surface hardening treatment is called a heat treatment , known as surface hardening . Including flame hardening , high ( in ) frequency induction heating quenching, laser heating or electron beam heating quenching. KOYO bearing characteristics of these methods are: local heating surface hardening , the workpiece deformation ; heating speed, high production efficiency ; heating time is short, very slight surface oxidation and decarbonization . This method especially for improving the wear resistance to withstand certain impact loads and fatigue strength effects of large and extra large bearing parts significantly .
The use of certain elements into solid state diffusion to change the chemical composition of the metal surface layer , deep groove ball bearings to achieve surface hardening method called chemical heat strengthened, also known as diffusion heat treatment . Including boriding metals , carburizing and carbonitriding , nitriding and nitrocarburizing , sulfide and Sulphonitrocarburizing , Chromizing , aluminized and chrome aluminum silicon permeation , diffusion layer graphite , etc. , a wide range of different characteristics . Or dissolved into the matrix metal element forming a solid solution with other metals or elements to form compounds. I.e. short change the chemical composition of the elements into the surface layer , and a different phase structure can be obtained . Surface treatment process and carburizing bearing KOYO bearing sleeve nitrided steel parts are enhanced handling this type of fortification .
The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification , to give the desired composition of the surface hardening treatment or tissue enhancement technique called surface metallurgy . Including the surface from the insoluble alloy or composite  powder coatings, crystalline or amorphous surface melting , surface alloying methods. Deep groove ball bearing is characterized by rapid heating to a high energy bearings for printing machine density , the surface of the metal layer or metal coating on the surface of the alloying material is melted and then solidified by cooling to obtain their particular structure or particular properties of the reinforcing layer . This particular structure is perhaps the crystal structure refinement , or maybe supersaturated phase , metastable phase , even non- crystal structure , depending on the process parameters and methods of surface tapered rollers metallurgy . Rolling industry in miniature bearing surface enhanced laser heating has done research to good effect.
Application of physical or chemical methods , the coating on the metal surface bearing a different material properties of the matrix to strengthen the film , the film referred to as surface hardening. It includes electroplating , electroless plating ( chrome, nickel, copper, silver , etc. ) as well as composite plating, brush or transformation processing , including in recent years, the rapid development of high-tech : as CVD, PVD, P-CVD , etc. vapor deposition and ion implantation method to strengthen the film surface enhancement technology ( also known as atomic metallurgy ) and so on. Their common feature is the film can form specific performance in the work surface to enhance the wear resistance of the surface resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and self-lubricating properties. Such as ion implantation technology to strengthen the deep groove ball bearing surface , enabling the bearing surface wear , corrosion resistance, and resistance to contact fatigue performance have been significantly improved , so that the service life of bearings KOYO grow exponentially .


Bearing structure and conditions of service

Generally speaking , the proper use of the rolling bearing , the fatigue life can be achieved . But early damage if an accident occurs , you can no longer use . And fatigue different life, this early damage , known as failure or accident. Multiple causes of installation , use, lubrication on the ill- considered , from the intrusion of foreign bodies or external to the shaft , bearing insufficient research .
Thus , the survey only bearing damage , it is difficult to know the real cause of injury. However , if you fully understand the use of the bearing of the machine, the foundation conditions and its peripheral structure, clarify the situation before and after the failure  occurred , combined with damage of bearings and analyze a variety of related reasons , we can prevent similar failures again. Bearing Injury representative and countermeasures.
Even the use of ultra- modern manufacturing techniques and processing the highest bearing parts . Observed with thrust ball bearing pretension load change reading method . Preload method has its negative aspects , is well known . The appearance of their work will always be kept in the appropriate parts of the micrometer head against the end face of the bearing or shaft .
1 . Bearing structure and conditions of service . Different structures for different conditions of service ; different auto parts bearing on the structure of their process vary , it affects  their quality. Therefore, we should develop new structured products to suit different bearings for rolling mills conditions of service and may indicate its appropriate service conditions or performance on the rolling bearing instructions to facilitate customer choice .
2 . Strengthen technology research, improve the processing technology to improve processing quality and reduce the possibility of defects in the processing . If the heat treatment , a greater variety of inner and outer rings , try to use the lower limit of the quenching temperature , holding time to adapt , to improve the alloy concentration , increasing the fracture strength of martensite , and choose a higher return under the premise of quality assurance ignition temperature to enhance the toughness of the workpiece.
3 . Improved processing means of monitoring and promoting quality improvement process . Such as improved monitoring of the flow path curvature position , improve the overall performance of the car bearing assembly after Rolling improve working conditions .


China Construction Machinery economic crisis poses a major challenge

Although China's economic slowdown , China 's construction machinery industry is also facing major challenges, but China is still the world's largest construction machinery market , our future development of this market is still full of confidence. " The world's largest construction machinery giant Caterpillar Group President and Chief Financial backing bearings Officer Edward ? Leip said recently in Shanghai , the largest in the history of Caterpillar to participate in Shanghai BMW Exhibition , highlighting its commitment to long-term development in China and the Chinese market confidence.
China International Construction Machinery , Building Material Machines , Construction Vehicles and Equipment Expo , namely Shanghai BMW Exhibition (baumaChina) began in 2002 , held once every two years , is designed to help exhibitors develop business in China and Asia markets . According to reports, Caterpillar in the exposition area of ​​over 12,000 square meters exhibition hall , displaying nearly 50 machines Cylindrical roller bearing are widely used in the Chinese market , a variety of services and technologies , including six new products. To fit China 's "second five" industrial planning , the exhibition is divided into Caterpillar road construction , irrigation , urban construction , railway construction, quarrying and energy industries , and other six exhibition.
Edward ? Leip said that although China's economy has slowed, but it is built on the basis of previous high-speed development , the next 10 to 15 years is still a great opportunity , "We will not adjust short-term economic downturn in China long-term strategy , " Not long ago, Caterpillar updated the company's China strategy: the Chinese win. To establish itself in China market , Caterpillar focus on creating local supply chain , there are 30 Chinese suppliers , also in Hong Kong to issue renminbi debt. This year, the company also actively interact with customers in China on Weibo , while speeding up the pace into the Chinese countryside.


but should be used at high speed small contact angle is appropriate

Angular contact ball bearings Jixiang heart Thrust Ball Bearings , as can be loaded more of the ball, the radial load carrying capacity greater than the ordinary ball bearings , can withstand large axial load or bear the pure axial load, which allows work speed  and bearing deep groove ball bearing similarities more rigid , but requires precise installation for misalignment error is very sensitive, it is generally not used alone to bear radial load , radial load while at the same time will bring additional axes to the load . This variant bearing many varieties of applications is very broad, often made with 15 °, 25 ° and 40 ° contact angle of three kinds of series, the greater the contact angle , the higher the axial load capacity , but should be used at high speed small contact angle is appropriate.
Most of these bearings Stainless steel slewing bearing in pairs for a small span rigid double precision spindle bearing axis or , when used to carefully adjust the clearance, change the bearing inner and outer axial distance , you can adjust the bearing internal clearance , while the several sets of bearings installed in parallel and give some preloaded amount , can improve the rigidity of the bearing system .
This type of single bearings can withstand axial load in one direction , while others need to be configured in order to offset the additional axial bearing force when it is made on the installation of additional axial force which cancel each other out , and can withstand tapered bearing up two forces axial load , and has two strong axial direction limit ability to be installed in pairs generally use two sets of bearing outer race wide face with its relative ( back to back ) or a relatively narrow end ( face to face ) two installation forms , where rigid bearing system mounted back to back best . For ease of installation in pairs or groups , some bearing factory supply in pairs, a group of three and four sets of a group such as bearings, bearing the same batch so that the supply of processing consistency, use bear the load more evenly , additional axial forces cancel each other more thoroughly .
This type of bearing and non- separable non-ionic type two, the separation of bearings for restricted installation conditions , requirements from the entire outer or inner ring bearings were installed in order to remove the case , since the separation of angular contact ball bearings are widely used in magnetic motor , it is also known as magneto bearings. This type of bearing on the inner ring in the locking variety, can be adapted to higher speeds .


SKF India's newly built two factories environmentally friendly materials

From SKF Bearing SKF bearings distributor in China , India Ltd. learned , SKF newly built two factories in India today and tomorrow at the completion of each plant for at SKF Haridwar and SKF Ahmedabad factory, which was completed two factories in India, the Indian economy have a great role in promoting development , while promoting lysn-bearing  SKF manufacturing business development in Asia . We follow the SKF distributor in China, to understand these two new factories in India .
SKF Haridwar plant was completed on April 7 , with a total investment of about 250 million kronor , with 200 employees. Primarily serving the automotive parts and industrial industries ; SKF backing bearings  Ahmedabad factory was completed on April 8 , with a total investment amount of approximately SEK 450 million , with more than 300 employees, mainly produce various kinds of large-scale , SKF bearings, primarily serving the railway , wind and heavy industries. Two factories geography class location for SKF manufacturing industry has a great role in promoting.
 SKF President and CEO Tom & CEO , Mr. Johnston inauguration of the new plant in India, spoke on : "SKF development in India has more than 85 years, India's commercial terms and products Roller bearing  for the SKF Group is a very important market , add these two factories, SKF India has five plants , and these plants in India and to support our business growth in Asia . "
SKF India's newly built two factories environmentally friendly materials, all in compliance with the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) standards , intended to reduce construction and plant environmental impact and reduce the plant's CO2 emissions , with a firm commitment to its energy efficient and environmentally friendly .


Swedish SKF Group Headquarters capacity to adjust

Swedish SKF Group Headquarters capacity to adjust
SKF bearings distributor in China sales center edit, Sweden, SKF Group's official website revealed Backing bearings that in March 2010, the Swedish SKF Group successfully implemented adjustment which is located in Gothenburg, Sweden, headquarters of the production capacity, the program is expected to involve about 150 people, realignment of headquarters capacity costs about 90 million kronor.
It is reported that last year, the Swedish SKF Bearing Group headquarters to face the financial crisis and lower market demand for capacity to try to carry out adjustments based solution, which makes the cost reduction, the company brings considerable benefits backing bearings. Implemented in March this year to adjust capacity based program package costs about 90 million Swedish kronor, will be credited to the income statement for the first quarter. These initiatives will be held no later than the third quarter of 2010, fully implemented, is expected to be generated when the gains of SEK 50 million.
Swedish SKF Group realignment of headquarters staff capacity in order to avoid redundancy, while weak demand for consultation by the union representatives of the solutions successfully implemented last year to prove that the solution can be kept core skills and avoid production interruptions.


the sun's energy into electrical energy drive motor and steering tires

NTN for the Institute to participate in the "World Solar Challenge" provides special bearing
This article Source: http://www.9-zc.com Date :2013 -08-07 11:34 Posted by: Point Vietnam Machinery
NTN Corporation (hereafter, NTN) will provide specially designed bearings for the Institute of the University to participate in the "World Solar Challenge" international solar car race was held in Australia in October this year. NTN interaction with the Institute of the University College of Engineering increased by Mechanical Engineering Tribology workshop, and the development of the motor shaft and Crossed tapered roller bearing as a student, "Institute of the University of automatic" support for the activities section, will participate in the first challenge.
 World Solar Challenge "is one of the largest solar car race in the world, participants race over 3021 km, through the Australian desert between Darwin and Adelaide, using the sun as the only power source. Has 20 years of history, Since 1987 began, the race attracts participants from around the world, including many universities and businesses. Institute's goal is to win in the game the first time on the podium.
 Solar car electric car, the sun's energy into electrical energy drive motor and Slewing bearing tires. With minimal power dissipation structure design requires long-distance driving using only electric power obtained from solar cells. Deep groove ball bearings NTN challenges provided by the JIS 5 magnitude, which is higher than the general JIS 0 级 two levels to help improve machining accuracy. Ceramic balls has changed ball rolling contact surface curvature is optimized to reduce the contact area and achieve a lower torque, while stirring resistance with minimal low-viscosity grease has been used. This helps to reduce 50% of the torque compared to conventional products. Gangdun has been changed to non-contact rubber seals to improve driving through the desert to prepare to resist the penetration of foreign substances.


NSK machine tools "X1 -ring Ball " upcoming

Seiko Corporation of Japan (NSK LTD.) In order to achieve long tool life, reduce environmental pollution , the development of suitable areas for machine tools "X1 -ring ball ." Here are distributor of NSK China 's introduction.
NSK machine tools "X1 -ring screw " Features:
High dustproof performance and grease sealing performance both : NSK X1 -ring seal with a specially designed ball , the outer sealing lip shielded from external dust and debris , grease the inner sealing lip to prevent internal Backing bearings . Compared with the general ball , "NSK X1 -ring Ball " foreign body through reduced to 1/ 30 or less, and grease sealing performance increased 3 times , enabling the machine long life , reduce environmental pollution.
 Low torque contact seals : NSK X1 -ring seal lip shape ball using the most optimized design, and the use of special resin material in contact with the screw shaft friction is small , along with high sealing performance and low torque performance to meet high speed and high precision machine tool requirements.
NSK in 2005, the development of high performance seals are widely used in laser processing machines, woodworking machines and other machine tools for use in harsh environments . 2007 NSK backing bearings on this technology to develop a grease seal ring , and in the injection molding machine market has been widely praised . With this sealing technology NSK has further developed the machine with the "X1 -ring ball " high dust and grease sealing performance of both performance and torque is low, to achieve long tool life and reduce environmental pollution. NSK machine tools "X1 -ring Ball " as the latest high-speed ball screws for machine tools , will begin selling in April 2011 , is expected in 2013 total sales of high-speed ball screws for machine tools will reach 50 billion yen.


LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia

SKF Northeast Asian distribution center, located in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in northern Haidong, with a total investment of about 100 million kronor. Will be fully operational in 2013. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia 30-meter automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) automatic storage center. SKF to open distribution center in Northeast Asia is also under construction LEED standards (LEED standards established by the U.S. Green Backing bearings Council, including for high-performance green building design, construction and operation of a series of rating system) for construction, SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia will Be SKF (SKF) first energy and environmental Design certification under (LEED) gold standards for the construction of warehousing center. 2011, SKF in the world with 11 meet LEED standards for construction projects started.

 LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia, but also to strengthen SKF SKF's long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, which is also reflected in the SKF SKFStainless steel slewing bearing implemented beyond zero (BeyondZero) strategies. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia Logistics Group is the world's best methods of operation and the most advanced logistics infrastructure to better support the SKF Northeast Asia, dealers and customers, and with it, SKF will be shorter delivery cargo delivery period to achieve a better rate. SKF Northeast Asian distribution center will serve the entire northeast region, becoming SKF in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, which consists of regional distribution centers as part of a global network


TIMKEN appeared in the " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list"

TIMKEN Precision bearing distributor in China editor , recently, is committed to promoting best practices in the field of business ethics in international institutions - the U.S. Ethisphere Institute (Ethisphere Institute) announced the 2010 annual " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list ." With its long-standing TIMKEN uphold morality and integrity first basic values, and a focus on quality, innovation and core values ​​of independence , appeared in the " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list ."
U.S. Ethisphere Executive Director Alex Brigham Association TIMKEN selected in the " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list," said : "t Timken sound business ethics to promote the contribution of the environment for all to see in the industry , which fully demonstrated the timken for a clear understanding of business ethics , namely: business practices adhere to the highest standards not only related to the company 's reputation , but also, and business performance and profitability are closely related . "
TIMKEN backing bearings , President and CEO Ward ( Tim ) ? Mr. Timken in this IMKEN appeared in the " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list ," talked about " our unswerving commitment to fulfill our moral , thereby continuously gained business success. this chain of causation runs through Timken's historical development , I also believe that it is every foothold in this great enterprise . Similarly the honor due to iron Timken every employee they uphold the company 's ethics and integrity first conviction , for our customers , shareholders and the community to provide services , so as to win the trust of the company . "American moral Village Association approved code of ethics , litigation and irregularities past record ; assessment of enterprises in the innovation and investment in sustainable business practices ; consider corporate social responsibility efforts ; and senior management by reference to corporate persons , the industry peers , suppliers and customers nominated situation. In-depth research and comprehensive analysis of the association for more than 100 countries from around the world , thousands of companies in 36 industries conducted evaluation , and ultimately determine finalists . TIMKEN also selected with the " Global 100 Most Ethical Companies list" of well-known companies, including : American Family Insurance , American Express , Ford , General Electric, Google , Nike, Starbucks and Fuji Xerox


to understand new compact automobile transmission NS thrust bearing ring

NSK has developed a compact automobile transmission backing bearings Thrust ring
NSK distributor in China editing , 2010.06.10, NSK has developed a compact automobile transmission bearings thrust ring . In recent years, car manufacturers seek to improve fuel economy and reduce shift shock , improving power transmission efficiency are increasingly turning to multi-stage automatic transmission. Low viscosity transmission oil , are often employed in the transmission , reducing stirring resistance , it has a negative impact on the efficiency of the transmission .
Seiko Corporation of Japan (NSK LTD.) To address these , the development of a compact automobile transmission bearings Thrust Collar, greatly improved fuel economy. We follow NSK tapered bearing distributor in China , to understand new compact automobile transmission NS thrust bearing ring .
NSK compact automobile transmission bearings Thrust Collar Product Features:
Thickness greater than 2.5 mm , made ​​possible through the use of improved operability chrome steel material according to the amount of new products by NSK's proprietary PCR5 steel materials to improve the toughness characteristics dwindling amounts achieve carbon and silicon . NSK 's thrust PCR5 steel hardness of the surface is applied to carbon and nitrogen enhanced toughness, strength and fatigue.
NSK new compact automobile transmission bearings Thrust ring with the traditional automobile transmission bearings Thrust Collar compared , life expectancy increased to three times , and the weight and size of a traditional car gearbox bearing thrust ring 20% .
NSK has developed a compact automobile transmission bearings Thrust Collar greatly improve vehicle fuel efficiency , NSK compact automobile transmission bearings Thrust ring in 2015 with annual sales expected to reach 1 billion yen .


Foster Wheeler USA Corporation

 Timken company has with many years of application experience and a full range of production-quality Timken backing bearings  worldwide power equipment manufacturers and users to provide a quality Timken tapered bearing and effective solutions in some of China's thermal power industry is important customers are Shanghai Boiler Factory Co. company, Shanghai heavy Machinery Plant Co., a large power plant TIMKEN bearings directly from the Shanghai Branch will provide Timken bearings and services, but also to serve China Datang Corporation, China Datang Corporation and other large power generation enterprise group specially set up in Hunan imken Hunan Electric bearing Company and for the sound development of China's energy industry and unlimited operation provides a reliable protection. This is also an aspect of practice from the Timken Company is committed to the development of the Chinese term commitment.
Timken Timken in China is only part of the market, Foster Wheeler USA Corporation, the world's leading power equipment suppliers. Timken's friction with advanced management solutions, reliable Timken products and sincere service, a long time for Foster Wheeler company provides TIMKEN bearing products and services. Timken Company and the city of Florida Indian Pacific Gas / Electric Company engineers, in just one month to study and developed a solution grinder serious bearing damage solutions, with the "anti-wear grain steel "manufacturing tapered / cylindrical roller bearing assembly to replace the original spherical / cylindrical roller bearing construction. The new design uses the original bearing timken bearing housing, life beyond the original design life of five times for customers to save funds totaling more than $ 300,000, directly reduce the company's costs.


in the design of the elastic sealing lip

Timken in 2010 International Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition unveiled products include:
    ( 1 ) New UltraWind Timken tapered roller Stainless steel slewing bearing , with Germanischer Lloyd (Germanischer Lloyd) certified the industry's highest rated life . This large aperture spindle bearings simplified drivetrain design , saving equipment costs ;
    ( 2 ) The new Timken? Antifriction bearings, including cylindrical roller backing bearings and spherical roller bearings : Compared to standard cylindrical roller bearings or spherical roller bearings, bearing this breakthrough technology will extend bearing life expectancy threefold. This new antifriction bearings can be reduced by up to 15 percent of torque, and can withstand abrasions , scratches , vibration and micro pitting corrosion and other damage ;
    ( 3 ) three new wind seal products, including : EcoTurn labyrinth , its non -contact design prevents grease leaks and contamination , ideal for Timken's low-pressure lubrication system ; Elastomer wind seal , in the design of the elastic sealing lip , can cope with the bearing deflection , and makes friction and minimize wear of the bearing inner ring ; , and wind seal PTFE , with excellent chemical inertness and low friction characteristics , helps to maximize product performance ;
    ( 4 ) of new wind energy equipment lubrication systems, precisely and evenly inject fresh grease lubricated bearings at the same time slot , can remove the old grease, significantly enhanced mechanical and electrical equipment performance and wind can produce . Its use is equipped with progressive or injector -based transmission -type centralized grease lubrication device ;
    ( 5 ) New frequency induction heaters , new frequency induction heaters , Timken? Clean steel , online intelligent monitoring systems , and Timken bearings company-specific Syber advanced wind energy systems analysis software performance products .


North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award

North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award
       Recently, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Machine Tool Co., Ltd. to NSK (NSK) Investment Co., Ltd. awarded the 2010 Supplier Excellence Award in China for NSK Ltd. in quality and delivery cycle of recognition and praise.
 According to the Beijing NSK Slewing bearing sales company, this is the first time NSK won the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Machine Tool Co., an excellent supplier of the title, this North a big cuddle from 65 vendors participate in the selection, NSK Corporation is this Accreditation of five times honored suppliers. Criteria include: price, delivery time, delivery quantity accuracy, appearance of the packaging, quality and other aspects of the comprehensive assessment of eight. Since 2010 the company NSK NSK Stainless steel slewing bearing in precision delivery quantity and delivery cycle has received a praise, therefore, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award.
About NSK distributor in North China a big cuddle companies, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Co., Ltd. by the Japan Machine Tool cuddle machine with Beijing First Machine Tool Group joint venture, mainly for automobile manufacturing enterprises processing equipment supporting production. 2010 sales of 350 million yuan, the cumulative production of machine tools totaled 540 units.

North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award

North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award
       Recently, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Machine Tool Co., Ltd. to NSK (NSK) Investment Co., Ltd. awarded the 2010 Supplier Excellence Award in China for NSK Ltd. in quality and delivery cycle of recognition and praise.
 According to the Beijing NSK Slewing bearing sales company, this is the first time NSK won the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Machine Tool Co., an excellent supplier of the title, this North a big cuddle from 65 vendors participate in the selection, NSK Corporation is this Accreditation of five times honored suppliers. Criteria include: price, delivery time, delivery quantity accuracy, appearance of the packaging, quality and other aspects of the comprehensive assessment of eight. Since 2010 the company NSK NSK Stainless steel slewing bearing in precision delivery quantity and delivery cycle has received a praise, therefore, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Company NSK awarded Excellent Supplier Award.
About NSK distributor in North China a big cuddle companies, the North a big cuddle (Beijing) Co., Ltd. by the Japan Machine Tool cuddle machine with Beijing First Machine Tool Group joint venture, mainly for automobile manufacturing enterprises processing equipment supporting production. 2010 sales of 350 million yuan, the cumulative production of machine tools totaled 540 units.


NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal

  Seiko Corporation of Japan (NSK LTD.) On October 26 -29 days participating in the Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition at the 2010 China International Coal Fair, here is the distributor of NSK China's reported.
2010 China International Exhibition, organized by the State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the National Energy Administration, China Coal Industry Association co-sponsored by the State Administration of Production Safety Supervision and Management Center for International Cooperation contractor, the theme was "safe and efficient mining, green carbon use." In addition to showcasing the exhibition changing the mode of development of coal industry's achievements in scientific and technological innovations of coal enterprises, the main show coal production, preparation and processing, mine construction, coal transportation, coal mine safety, geological exploration, coal chemical industry, mine explosion practical aspects of advanced technology and equipment.
 Exhibition 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal origin of the Chinese, the United States, Backing bearings  Japan, Australia and other countries and regions, more than 10 research institutions and numerous famous. As the world's largest Slewing bearing manufacturer Seiko Co., Ltd., one of Japan (NSK), also participated in the exhibition.
 And exhibited a series of devices, bearing as many of the core components of mining machinery, almost throughout all the equipment in the field. 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition on Coal, NSK exhibited a series of mine and all kinds of Bearings NSK Bearings special installation tools, test equipment, in-kind exhibition and novel video presentation attracted up to 2,000 people, the number of daily visitors to visit, a total of issue various samples sent up to 1,555 books, by the visitors alike.
 By NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal, NSK with more exhibitors had extensive experience and information exchange, consolidate and develop more win-win partnership. The exhibition on the further development of NSK, has played a catalytic role.

Including FAG Powertherm series induction heater

FAG Industrial Services reprocessing service itself , including all bearing parts thoroughly cleaned , and the entire Backing bearings unit size and function checks. Will re- adjust the axle clearance, re- lubricated Slewing bearing , and any worn parts will be replaced, if the customer requirements, axle bearing data will be recorded in the database for future tracking and review. This service applies to all of the axle bearings, including FAG cylindrical roller bearings, spherical bearings and tapered roller bearings.
In addition , FAG Industrial Services also maintains that the introduction of the railway industry management system to support customers . By helping clients improve internal maintenance procedures , F'IS can enhance the exchange of data between the various departments , as well as clearly useless programs, such as the different IT systems and databases in a variety of data entry . This reduces the cost of raw materials management , accelerated procedures for maintenance activities . Quickly and effectively install bearing unit for effective maintenance management is very important. Meanwhile , F'IS offers a range of energy- bearing heater . Including FAG Powertherm series induction heater , enabling customers to reduce time for installing the bearing , thus shortening the downtime period , rather than using the traditional method of heating ( stoves, oil bath or heating plate ) .


The investment project was Hefei

NSK lysn-bearing sales center in Hefei , Oct. 20 hearing - Seiko (NSK LTD.) To invest in China 's first 12 production bases , but also NSK invested in Mainland China 's largest production base in Hefei, NSK bearing production company , in October 2011 20 in Hefei high-tech Zone groundbreaking ceremony was held .

      According to the introduction NSK Tapered roller bearings distributor in China , Hefei NSK bearing production company with total investment of 2 billion yuan , from contract to the foundation in just four months. Registered capital of $ 6,200 ( about 400 million yuan ) , funded NSK 100%, an area of ??about 160,000 square meters , the first batch of about 500 employees , mainly for the production of third generation wheel bearings , high profile CNC machine tools and machining center bearing , low noise, less vibration value 4 bearings (Z4, Z4P, V4, V4P noise level ) , all kinds of precision P4, P2 class bearings , NSK Bearings and a variety of other related parts .

      The investment project was Hefei, Anhui Province, and governments at all levels attach great importance. Hefei Municipal Party secretary Wu Chun-rong , Municipal Committee , vice mayor Yan Gang, specially to attend the ceremony , met with Japan's Seiko president Norio Otsuka party. The foundation stone laying ceremony by the Hefei High-tech Zone Xia Xiangdong Director Business Planning and Investment Co., Ltd. NSK Minister Fan Wensheng served jointly presided over the ceremony . Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor Wei Xiaoming , Municipal Committee, vice mayor Liu Liedong , Municipal Committee, vice mayor Lu Shiren , attended the groundbreaking ceremony .

Swedish SKF Group President and CEO Tom

SKF China Company: SKF executives talk about the Chinese market
       In 1912, SKF for the first time in Shanghai Shanghai SKF tapered bearing distributors, and in 1916, established the first sales branch in Shanghai. Today, SKF China is headquartered in Shanghai, with nearly 5,000 employees. SKF China has a large sales and service offices and 13 production units in Asia Pacific customers with high quality products and services. Then the Chinese market for the SKF Group also has how affected? Below are executives in terms of SKF knowledge of the Chinese market.

       SKF China CEO Ai Lan Germany (Erik Nelander) for SKF in China's market, said: "In China expanded SKF medium-sized industrial Slewing bearing production to further strengthen our position in the industrial bearing market position, we can significantly shorten the delivery cycle, and with key customers for close interaction. "

       Swedish SKF Group President and CEO Tom? Johnstone (Tom Johnstone) said: "The SKF Group, China is a very important market, the opening of the new plant to deepen our understanding of China and elsewhere in Asia customers and distribution provider's commitment to the construction of two and in Dalian Dalian SKF bearings factories, such as in Shanghai through the new 'SKF global Technical Centre' co-operation and shorten the development cycle of new products to support SKF industrial market in China's long-term technology development. "

       SKF is working to achieve more Chinese local production. In the next five years, SKF aftermarket industry in China has great potential. End-user demand will shift to value-added services, SKF and its dealers are fully prepared to meet those needs

General Bearing Co., Ltd. will serve as SKF (SKF)

Sweden SKF Bearing Group acquired the U.S. GBC
       According to aspects of SKF Slewing bearing distributor in China, the world's leading bearings, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems suppliers - Swedish SKF Group in February 13, 2012 announced a $ 125 million acquisition of New York-based GBC bearings (General Bearing Co., Ltd.). Acquisition (GBC) General Bearing Company in full compliance with SKF (SKF) use other brand product lines complement development strategy to further strengthen SKF (SKF) brand in other areas not covered by the market growth.

       "I am honored to be joining SKF Group expects will be able to accelerate the profitable growth of the bearing business, we emphasize the economic benefits of overseas production, General Bearing Corporation (GBC) in China's successful track record will make the SKF Group unleashed, can Help SKF better serve these important markets. "General Bearing Co., Ltd. (GBC), Mr. Chairman and CEO David Gussack talked about in this acquisition.

       General Bearing Co., Ltd. will serve as SKF (SKF), a subsidiary of the Group to continue to operate independently. SKF acquired General Bearing Co., Ltd. (GBC), whose main brand is General and Hyatt, General Bearing Company, under the leadership of Mr. David Gussack use of their factories in China for the U.S. automotive market and heavy marketing services, business development quite successful .

      SKF distributor in China with your look (GBC) General Bearing Company: GBC was established in 1955, headquartered in the United States 纽约西奈阿克 (West Nyack); in China has four factories: where a ball bearing factory, two home tapered roller tapered bearing factories and a precision roller factory; total 1,750 employees, of which the United States 140, China 1,610 names; 2011 period, GBC expected sales of about $ 155 million, and its operating margin and Skye Rover Group considerably. General Bearing Corporation (GBC) focus on its service industry supporting customers (OEM) and end-user capabilities, especially in trucks, trailers, automotive and industrial markets.

SKF bearings sales center in Northeast Asia

 SKF Slewing bearing sales center in Northeast Asia, SKF (SKF) in the northeastern part of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone opened a new distribution center to start building. SKF start building distribution center in Northeast Asia marks, SKF Northeast Asia Pacific region initially built a global network, then, China and the entire Asia-Pacific region will be achieved within a shorter delivery time better delivery rate.
 SKF Northeast Asian distribution center, located in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in northern Haidong, with a total investment of about 100 million kronor. Will be fully operational in 2013. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia 30-meter automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) automatic storage center. SKF to open distribution center in Northeast Asia is also under construction LEED standards (LEED standards established by the U.S. Green lysn-bearing Council, including for high-performance green building design, construction and operation of a series of rating system) for construction, SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia will Be SKF (SKF) first energy and environmental Design certification under (LEED) gold standards for the construction of warehousing center. 2011, SKF in the world with 11 meet LEED standards for construction projects started.
 LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia, but also to strengthen SKF SKF's long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, which is also reflected in the SKF SKF recently implemented beyond zero (BeyondZero) strategies. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia Logistics Group is the world's best methods of operation and the most advanced logistics infrastructure to better support the SKF Northeast Asia, dealers and customers, and with it, SKF will be shorter delivery cargo delivery period to achieve a better rate. SKF Northeast Asian distribution center will serve the entire northeast region, becoming SKF in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, which consists of regional distribution centers as part of a global network.

levels of government support are inseparable

FAG China , Ningxia Limited development process, Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. was established in late 2001 , and in May 2002 formally put into operation , began production of railway axle Roller bearing TAROL. In 2003, Ningxia FAG Bearing company pioneered the introduction of railways in China bearing steel cage technology for several large-scale speed rail provides ample technical support. May 2010 to begin production of single row tapered roller bearings , and in May 2012 began trial production of deep groove ball bearings. The company also has obtained ISO 9001:2008 (TUEV), ISO 14001:2004, Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the Chinese Ministry of Railways and many other auditing and certification.
Schaeffler Group (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) company for 10 years along the way, the combination of all employees for their hard work , but also with Yinchuan, Ningxia , and levels of government support are inseparable, but also inseparable from Schaeffler Group headquarters and regional headquarters units of the guidance and support of colleagues . Yinchuan City Vice Mayor Wang Jiubin on tapered bearing of the local government gave a warm speech to Schaeffler ( Ningxia ) Co., congratulations. Subsequently, the Yinchuan Municipal Committee Chairman HE Manming , Yinchuan City Vice Mayor Wang Jiubin and CFO Asia Pacific Schaeffler Schaeffler ( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. , chairman of the high Bruneau , Managing Director of Schaeffler Greater hook construction Dr. Hui , Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) package Xiaojun , general manager of joint press button to light the marks Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) (( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. New plant enabled plasma ball . celebration ceremony on behalf of older employees to the company also presented the medals .
FAG China , Ningxia established operations 10 years ago, has developed into Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) in the world's most important production base of railway bearings and Greater China, an important production base . With the new plant put into use the opportunity of the 10th anniversary will be舍弗勒宁夏new takeoff and a brilliant starting point. Wish Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) and Ningxia to achieve win-win situation .

Ningxia Limited development process, Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) Co.

FAG China , Ningxia Limited 10th anniversary celebration
?2012.06.18 FAG Schaeffler China , Ningxia Co., Ltd. as the world's major production base of railway Backing bearings , held in Yinchuan, Ningxia 10th anniversary celebration and the official carrier opening ceremony of the new plant . FAG China , Ningxia founded 10 years ago, has become a foothold in Ningxia , the national service of well-known enterprises , Ningxia local economic development and economic exchanges between China and Germany have made outstanding contributions .
FAG China , Ningxia Limited development process, Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. was established in late 2001 , and in May 2002 formally put into operation , began production of railway axle bearing TAROL. In 2003, Ningxia FAG Slewing bearing company pioneered the introduction of railways in China bearing steel cage technology for several large-scale speed rail provides ample technical support. May 2010 to begin production of single row tapered roller bearings , and in May 2012 began trial production of deep groove ball bearings. The company also has obtained ISO 9001:2008 (TUEV), ISO 14001:2004, Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the Chinese Ministry of Railways and many other auditing and certification.


According to "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Act

Shandong Jining Urban expand "small crane" production points are set remediation
Source: www.jndcc.com Author: Date :2013 -7-22 16:29:24 Hits: 28
        "Small crane" attributed to special equipment, related to the safety of people's lives, more dangerous. Jining City, Shandong Province Bureau of Quality Supervision recently smitten on the area of ??some "small crane" making points tapered bearing  egulation to crack down on illegal production of "small crane." In view found that some illegal "small crane" making points as follows widespread doubt: First, the owners do not have the qualifications lifting machinery production, but no depict drawings and testing equipment, the mere own Slewing bearing  making lifting machinery; Second to save costs, the use of state banned the use of scrap automobile chassis production of "small crane", through painting from scratch, creating a brand new "small crane"; three rolling machine with operators for protection, not only out of production rolling machine, and secretly steal production of "small crane."
         According to "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Act" rule, special equipment production units need special equipment supervision by the State Council administrative department promised, promised to obtain special equipment production qualification certificate, there is compatible with the production of technical personnel, skilled workers, production conditions and testing equipment, production process, it is necessary to have a sound management principles and responsibilities of criteria before they are allowed special equipment production activities. Such "small crane" rule fails to produce production point production, there is a big security risk, disrupted the market order, severe damage to the interests of consumers.

using the oiling method

2 medium-sized Backing bearings
Large timken bearing mounting force required to increase significantly , and should use hydraulic nut and / or using the oiling method :
( 1) When using a hydraulic nut mounting the bearings, it must be positioned on the threaded portion of the journal or a threaded sleeve , so that the annular piston against the bearing inner ring , the shaft nut or ring mounted on the shaft end . Through the oil pump oil into the hydraulic nut to secure , install the required precision of the force, the piston moves in the axial direction . Using hydraulic nuts, spherical roller bearings installed

( 2 ) using the oiling method , oil is injected under high pressure between timken bearing and journal , forming a layer of film . This layer of film will be separated with the surface , significantly reduces the friction between the mating surfaces . Directly mounted to the bearing cone journal , generally use this method, but is also used in France to prepare for oiling tight sets and shift put mounting backing bearings  Or lubricator pump generates the necessary pressure on the shaft or sleeve grooves and the oil channel , between the mating surfaces of the oil injection . When designing the bearing arrangement , the necessary arrangements must be considered a groove on the shaft and the channel . Spherical roller bearings with a tank mounted on a withdrawal sleeve , through the oil into the mating surface , and in turn tighten the screws Withdrawal sleeve pressed into the bearing bore .

high resistance cage, able to correctly guide the needle parallel to the axis .

Tapered roller backing bearings and needle roller bearings which is the difference ?
Cylindrical roller bearings are precision bearings , precision roller sorting postal shaft ring wall to guide from the cage , and guide roller shaft ring composition, can be separated with another bearing rings , are separable bearings. Such bearing installation and removal more convenient, especially when required, the outer ring and the shaft housing are interference fit more shows its advantages ; these bearings are generally used only with radial load carrying loaded guns , only the inner and outer circles are single row bearings with ribs with a smaller or larger axial load steady intermittent axial load ; same size and shape as compared to other tired order , such bearings with high load, background noise , and high speed characteristics , ideal for all kinds of precision machinery and mining and mill machinery. But with such a bearing with the shaft , rolling and other related parts require precision machining.
Needle roller bearings (NK, NKS, RNA49, RNA48, NKL, NKLS, NA49, NA48, RNA69, NA69, RNA49 ... RS, RNA49 .. 2RS, NA49 .. RS, NA49 .. 2RS, RNAO, NAO) structure compact , small radial size , load capacity, withstand greater radial load . Such a variety of structure and size of the bearing series , the needle assembly G2 level , grouping batches diameter variation in less than 2um , except full complement needle roller bearings are made ??of high resistance cage, able to correctly guide the needle parallel to the axis .
Different structures , different types, different direction of the force to withstand , at different speeds , different loads , different materials, the application of different occasions etc.
Fundamental difference : tapered roller bearings rolling body is tapered roller ; needle roller Tapered roller bearings needle roller is rolling ;
These fundamental difference determines the structure of tapered roller bearings Needle roller bearings relative to a large , tapered roller in addition to radial force than can withstand axial force , and needle roller bearings can withstand radial forces ;
Single row tapered roller bearings are double row and multi-row , were applied to different environments and situations ;
Tapered roller bearings Needle roller bearings with respect to higher operating speed ;
Tapered roller bearings are generally of high quality bearing steel and special steel ; rather thin needle roller bearing is used in steel stamping ;
In short , these two types of bearings are not the same type of bearing , there are too many different , have some really far-fetched comparison
Needle roller bearings are long thin needle roller and cage. Cylindrical roller bearings. Is composed of cylindrical and rollers . Column than the needle thick, also known as coarse needle .

metallurgy, plastics machinery and other industries.

Double row tapered roller bearing outer (or inner) as a whole. Two inner (or outer) face close to the middle spacers, clearance by the thickness of the spacer to adjust, and can also be used to adjust the thickness of spacer double row tapered roller bearings are preloaded.
Tapered roller bearings mainly bear radial diameter and axial joint load. Load bearing capacity depends on the outer ring raceway angle, angle greater carrying capacity. These bearings are separable bearings, rolling bearing according to the number of rows into single row, double row and four row tapered roller bearings. Single row tapered roller bearing clearance to be adjusted during installation the user; double row and four row tapered roller bearing clearance in the factory according to user requirements is given, not to be user adjusted.
Tapered roller Backing bearings have tapered inner and outer ring raceway, Tapered Roller arranged in between. All conical surface projection lines are the same point on the bearing axis together. This design makes tapered roller bearings particularly suitable for combined (radial and axial) loads. Most of the axial load bearing capacity is determined by the contact angle α; α angle increases, the higher the axial load capacity. Angle size calculation factor e; e larger the contact angle the greater the bearing axial load greater applicability.
Tapered roller Roller bearing are usually separated type, namely the belt roller and cage assembly of inner components can be composed with tapered conical outer inner (outer) installed separately.
Tapered roller bearings are widely used in automotive, mill, mining, metallurgy, plastics machinery and other industries.
Power transformer is the function of power transmission, voltage conversion and insulation isolation, as a major soft magnetic components, power supply technology and power electronics technology has been widely used. According to the size of the power transmission, power transformers can be divided into several files: 10kVA above for high-power, 10kVA ~ 0.5kVA to medium power, 0.5kVA ~ 25VA for the low-power, 25VA following micro-power. Different transmission power, power transformer design are not the same, it should be self-evident. It was based on its main function is to power transmission, the English name "Power Transformers" translated as "Power Transformer", in many literature is still in use. What is called "power transformer" or called "Power Transformer" is good? Pending technology terminology of authority to choose and decide.
In almost all electronic products should be used, it is simple in principle but according to different occasions (for different purposes) of the transformer winding process will be different requirements. The main function of the transformer: voltage conversion; impedance transformation; isolation; regulator (magnetic saturation transformers), etc., the general shape of the iron core transformer used with the E-and C-type core.
A transformer ---- stationary electromagnetic devices
A voltage-transformer can be converted into AC power with the frequency of another voltage AC power
The main components of the voltage is set in a core and two windings on the core.
A coil connected to a power receiving AC power, is called the primary winding, also known as the primary winding.
A coil connected to the load, send AC power, is called the secondary winding, also known as the secondary winding.
The primary winding of the secondary winding

Tapered roller bearings is the largest amount of single row tapered roller bearings

Tapered Roller Bearings defined Alibaba mechanical 2012-03-19 Source: Alibaba mechanical information themes: mechanical printing machinery] [Alibaba tapered roller bearings can be separated from the inner ring with roller and cage assemblies and components outside ring can be installed separately. Roller and raceway contact at the contact line can reduce the stress concentration. Tapered roller tapered bearing can withstand high radial and axial load. The tapered roller bearings can only pass one-way axial load, so as to pass the opposite direction of the axial load on the need install another with symmetrical tapered roller bearings.
Tapered roller Roller bearing is the largest amount of single row tapered roller bearings. In the car's front wheels in recent years to spend the small size of the double row tapered roller bearings. Four tapered roller bearings used in large-scale cold rolling mill and other heavy machines.
Single row tapered roller bearings have an outer ring, the inner ring and a set of tapered roller by a box-type cage into an inner components. Outer and inner component separation, tapered roller bearings according to ISO standard dimensions, any standard model of a tapered roller bearing outer or inner component and the outer or inner components of the same model to achieve international interchangeable. Except that portion of the outer ring of the same model dimensions, tolerances must comply with ISO492 (GB307) requirements, the cone angle of the inner components, component cone diameter must also comply with the relevant provisions of the swap.
Typically, single row tapered roller bearing outer ring raceway of the cone angle of 10 ° ~ 19 ° before to be able to withstand the load and radial load bearing joint action. Cone angle larger axial load capacity are greater. Large cone angle of the bearing, post code plus B, cone angle between 25 ° ~ 29 °, which can withstand greater axial load. In addition, single row tapered roller bearings can be adjusted during installation size of the clearance.

NSK Bearings sales center in Xi'an

Xi'an NSK NSK lysn-bearing sales center in northwest China is developing an important sales center. Xi'an NSK sales center is to further close to the market and customers, which can be more quickly and effectively corresponds to customer needs.
NSK is currently in more than 20 countries and regions have established sales network and has more than 50 factories, industry ranked highest in the world. Xi'an NSK Backing bearings NSK sales center embodies the commitment to further development of the Northwest market, but also the strategic layout in China NSK perfected a concrete manifestation, also NSK is committed to long-term development strategy for the Chinese market in western China in-depth practice.
 NSK's main products --- NSK bearings, mechanical foundation of the industry. Coverage is relatively widespread distribution of industries, mainly machine tools, metallurgy, mining machinery, petrochemicals, energy, mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturing, windmills and other industries. NSK pursuit of "MOTION & CONTROL" (Operation and Control), through endless exploration of the friction phenomena, and continuously improve the efficiency of rotating and running in order for the global-scale energy conservation movement and contribute to resource protection.
 NSK two-way instant network system CHALLENGERS to Japan, Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific 24-hour four major economic regions coupled together to achieve the production, marketing, logistics, technology development, integrated management of a full range of information, anytime, anywhere data retrieval, analysis, and at the same time either to the global NSK factory orders.

In addition to excellent electrical insulation capabilities

For wind turbine SKF XL hybrid ceramic bearings advent
       Nowadays, designed for large wind turbine design and development can be isolated from the current SKF XL hybrid ceramic deep groove ball bearings have come out. Follow SKF bearings distributor in China, to understand for wind power generation SKF XL hybrid ceramic bearings.

       SKF XL hybrid ceramic Stainless steel slewing bearing unique design, bearing rings made ​​of steel bearing products made ​​by a ball bearing grade silicon nitride (Si3N4) is made of high hardness and low density.

       In addition to excellent electrical insulation capabilities, SKF XL hybrid ceramic deep groove ball bearing design give full play to the role of lubricants, even in the case of poor lubrication ensures long-term performance.

       Therefore, SKF Bearings by downtime and maintenance costs to a minimum, thereby reducing the life-cycle costs and total operating costs.

The Timken cooperation with Goldwind Group consolidation

July 28, 2010, Timken Chinese company news: U.S. Timken Company and is currently China's earliest and largest wind power technology and equipment R & D and manufacturing enterprises in Xinjiang Goldwind group cooperation, and signed a value of $ 2,600 contract, Timken is golden wind Group offers wind power generation Timken tapered bearing products, solutions and technical support.
According to Timken bearings distributor in China introduced, Timken Company and Goldwind Group offers more than 1,500 megawatts of wind power products, including bearings, gear box system, seals, lubrication products, online condition monitoring systems and technical support services, including a full life cycle solution.
 Timken president of China See Leong Fang (Shi-Long Feng), said: "This cooperation with Goldwind Group, it will be possible to jointly develop a more efficient green power generation technology, combined with the advanced experience of centuries Timken Company, we are willing to China Renewable resource requirements, and contribute to backing bearings global development. "
 Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Wu Gang, Chairman and CEO, said: "We are pleased to be with and companies such as Timken bearings world's leading turbine parts supplier cooperation, which allows us steady growth, expanding the wind group in the country and the rapid development of foreign countries. "


FAG Bearings train control system application

     FAG engineers are good at innovation tapered bearing the traditional practice . This means that challenged the traditional theory , following extraordinary way and dare to look at things with a different kind of perspective . All of these are emerging understanding of the concept of the premise. Recently , FAG bearings distributor in China from Germany FAG Group understands , FAG latest train control system developed for FAG Generator Sensor Bearing .

      FAG lysn-bearing based train control system box and generator sensor bearing (GSB) ( as an independent power source ) combined well , for example, truck , FAG 's electronics engineers , are integrated into the software to learn GSB , so formation of a vehicle unit . Coupled with the information processing system , route operators and railway companies can achieve enhanced security and ease of maneuverability truck . GSB in the number of different signals are recorded and transmitted to the central Slewing bearing . Complete data ( based on train system ) contains train schedules , route , schedule and risk analysis , location, residence time , and the associated temporary variable part .
       And general comparison , FAG GSB in axle by rotational movement of electrical induction magnet . This force is the typical power , 100w 24v .. so just have a separate , self-contained power source, the power storage unit , an increase of more features, such as automatic door, detection switches and sensors. To train control system , FAG Group with a sophisticated electronic system into a so-called commercial -vehicle unit and connecting with senior management information systems. Such signal processing , not only records the FAG bearings , but is also transmitted GPS satellite technology.

Bearing Installation Tool TMFT36

Maximum bearing weight: Other parts:
Prevention of premature bearing failure
Improper installation, typically brutal installed in the early failure of a bearing account for 16%. SKF bearing installation tool
TMFT 36 is designed for quick and accurate installation of the bearing, while the risk of tapered bearing damage during installation drop
To a minimum. Impact ring and sleeve of the rational combination can effectively through the interference fit of the bearing rings
Mounting force to pass in order to minimize damage to bearing raceways and rolling elements of risk. Installation tool sets
There are 36 pieces including impact rings, 3 sleeves and a no rebound hammer, these components are housed in a portable
Toolbox addition for mounting Stainless steel slewing bearing  FMFT36 can also be used to install bushings, seals and pulleys. Compared with these certifications , Timken 's own strict quality management system to many , the assessment points turned over several times , and our products must meet strict quality system that can only be delivered to the customer ."
Three crowned as the world 's most ethical companies list
March 12, 2013 , more than 100 countries around the world 36 sectors of the many companies, because in commercial practice and adhere to abide by the principle of good faith has played an exemplary role , Timken 3rd boarded the U.S. Ethisphere Institute released " world's Most ethical Companies list ." U.S. Ethisphere Institute (EthisphereInstitute), is a commitment to advancing corporate governance, risk management, sustainable development , compliance and business ethics best practices in the field of international institutions .
For this award , Zhong Zhiyong very identity . Because they each do one thing they have to consider: how local laws and regulations is required ? Compliance is a prerequisite for survival , also in line with the core values ??of Timken 's first ethics and integrity .
Attaches great importance to the interests of employees
Under normal circumstances , Timken interests hoping to achieve three unified , that shareholders 'interests , the interests of customers , employees' interests .
Here, not only refers to the remuneration of employees' interests , but also including the work environment , individual capacity building , career development and so on. Provide resources to help employees self-study, in order to achieve the ability to enhance , is one of them .

Attaches great importance to the interests of employees

In addition, Xiangtan plant also passed the ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification.
" Compared with these certifications , Timken 's own strict quality management system to many , the assessment points turned over several times , and our products must meet strict quality system that can only be delivered to the customer ."
Three crowned as the world 's most ethical companies list
March 12, 2013 , more than 100 countries around the world 36 sectors of the many companies, because in commercial practice and adhere to abide by the principle of good faith has played an exemplary role , Timken 3rd boarded the U.S. Ethisphere Institute released " world's Most ethical Companies list ." U.S. Ethisphere Institute (EthisphereInstitute), is a commitment to advancing corporate governance, risk management, sustainable development , compliance and business ethics best practices in the field of international institutions .
For this award , Zhong Zhiyong very identity . backing bearings they each do one thing they have to consider: how local laws and regulations is required ? Compliance is a prerequisite for survival , also in line with the core values ??of Timken 's first ethics and integrity .
Attaches great importance to the interests of employees
Under normal circumstances , Timken interests hoping to achieve three unified , that shareholders 'interests , the interests of customers , employees' interests .Here, not only refers to the remuneration of employees' interests , but also including the work environment , individual capacity building , career development and so on. Provide resources to help employees self-study, in order to achieve the ability to enhance , is one of them .
Timken employees, Timken University at large have learning experience . This is an online site that offers mentoring programs and online training resources , covering about leadership , speech and eloquence , cultural differences, anti-corruption , Roller bearing manufacturing technology, curriculum over 20,000 .
Take general manager Zhong Zhiyong , the April this year , has completed 15 courses , more than 20 courses in the second half there waiting for him .
"Different positions , every year a different course. Course functions, one to help employees improve , the second is for employees in mind , such as legal provisions updated, personal knowledge will have to make ."
In addition, Timken employees worldwide Education Foundation will offer scholarships to children and encourage them to pursue higher education .
Committed to creating sustainable value
As flagship product is the fan backing bearings , Xiangtan plant renewable energy industry has become an important part . Meanwhile, the plant also uses advanced LEED (LeadershipinEnergyandEnvironmentalDesign) environmental standards as a basis for building design , green energy saving in strict accordance with the standard factory building , and in 2011 received a LEED Gold certification. These are Timken responsibilities embodied in the environmental field .
In addition, Xiangtan plant also became the province's first national two safety standardization enterprises.
Among employees , spontaneous ride , pick up litter along the way along the Xiangjiang River ; donate team award , visit the orphanage children ; cooperation with Hunan University , Job Shadow Day ...... conduct these activities so that each participant felt to join communities, fulfilling and enjoyable .
"An honest man , do a down product ." Zhong Zhiyong 's concluding remarks , the simple , yet intriguing.

called correlation dimension is an integral assembly dimension chain ring.

About Precision bearing Assembly Dimension Chain Definition
Closed loop assembly dimension chain is often imported bearing assembly precision or technical requirements. Because this requirement is met through the parts, components assembled before the final form and guaranteed, size, or position is a result of the relationship.

From the design point of view, is the lead assembly precision bearings and forming the basis for assembly dimension chain, which also determines the design and manufacture of precision parts basis. Identify with the precision of parts and the corresponding relevant dimensions, and draw the corresponding dimension chain diagram. And the accuracy of the relevant parts related parts called, the corresponding relevant dimensions, called correlation dimension is an integral assembly dimension chain ring.

The establishment of assembly dimension chain is the first step in solving the problem assembly accuracy, only when creating assembly dimension chain is correct, it makes sense to solve dimensional chain. Therefore, in the assembly dimension chain, this step is very important.Thrust bearing is installed correctly, the seat can automatically adapt to the rolling elements rolling, make sure to scroll down raceway body is located. If installed backwards, not only Backing bearings is not working properly, and each mating surface would be subjected to severe wear. As shaft ring and seat ring and the difference is not very obvious, the assembly should be careful not to mistake. In addition, the thrust bearing race with the bearing hole should be left between 0.2-0.5mm gap to compensate for parts processing, the error caused by mounting inaccuracy, when in operation bearing ring center offset, this gap would ensure its automatic adjustment, avoid touching the friction to operate normally. Otherwise, it will cause severe damage to the bearing.

position is a result of the relationship.

About Bearing Assembly Dimension Chain Definition
Closed loop assembly dimension chain is often imported Precision bearing assembly precision or technical requirements. Because this requirement is met through the parts, components assembled before the final form and guaranteed, size, or position is a result of the relationship.
From the design point of view, is the lead assembly precision Slewing bearing and forming the basis for assembly dimension chain, which also determines the design and manufacture of precision parts basis. Identify with the precision of parts and the corresponding relevant dimensions, and draw the corresponding dimension chain diagram. And the accuracy of the relevant parts related parts called, the corresponding relevant dimensions, called correlation dimension is an integral assembly dimension chain ring.
The establishment of assembly dimension chain is the first step in solving the problem assembly accuracy, only when creating assembly dimension chain is correct, it makes sense to solve dimensional chain. Therefore, in the assembly dimension chain, this step is very important.Thrust bearing is installed correctly, the seat can automatically adapt to the rolling elements rolling, make sure to scroll down raceway body is located. If installed backwards, not only bearing is not working properly, and each mating surface would be subjected to severe wear. As shaft ring and seat ring and the difference is not very obvious, the assembly should be careful not to mistake. In addition, the thrust bearing race with the bearing hole should be left between 0.2-0.5mm gap to compensate for parts processing, the error caused by mounting inaccuracy, when in operation bearing ring center offset, this gap would ensure its automatic adjustment, avoid touching the friction to operate normally. Otherwise, it will cause severe damage to the bearing.


SKF China Company: SKF executives talk about the Chinese market

       In 1912, SKF for the first time in Shanghai Shanghai SKF Roller bearing distributors, and in 1916, established the first sales branch in Shanghai. Today, SKF China is headquartered in Shanghai, with nearly 5,000 employees. SKF China has a large sales and service offices and 13 production units in Asia Pacific customers with high quality products and services. Then the Chinese market for the SKF Group also has how affected? Below are executives in terms of SKF knowledge of the Chinese market.

       SKF China CEO Ai Lan Germany (Erik Nelander) for SKF in China's market, said: "In China expanded SKF medium-sized industrial lysn-bearing production to further strengthen our position in the industrial bearing market position, we can significantly shorten the delivery cycle, and with key customers for close interaction. "

       Swedish SKF Group President and CEO Tom? Johnstone (Tom Johnstone) said: "The SKF Group, China is a very important market, the opening of the new plant to deepen our understanding of China and elsewhere in Asia customers and distribution provider's commitment to the construction of two and in Dalian Dalian SKF bearings factories, such as in Shanghai through the new 'SKF global Technical Centre' co-operation and shorten the development cycle of new products to support SKF industrial market in China's long-term technology development. "

       SKF is working to achieve more Chinese local production. In the next five years, SKF aftermarket industry in China has great potential. End-user demand will shift to value-added services, SKF and its dealers are fully prepared to meet those needs

Sweden SKF Bearing Group acquired the U.S. GBC

  According to aspects of SKF bearings distributor in China, the world's leading tapered bearing  seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems suppliers - Swedish SKF Group in February 13, 2012 announced a $ 125 million acquisition of New York-based GBC bearings (General Bearing Co., Ltd.). Acquisition (GBC) General Bearing Company in full compliance with SKF (SKF) use other brand product lines complement development strategy to further strengthen SKF (SKF) brand in other areas not covered by the market growth.

       "I am honored to be joining SKF Group expects will be able to accelerate the profitable growth of the bearing business, we emphasize the economic benefits of overseas production, General Bearing Corporation (GBC) in China's successful track record will make the SKF Group unleashed, can Help SKF better serve these important markets. "General Bearing Co., Ltd. (GBC), Mr. Chairman and CEO David Gussack talked about in this acquisition.

       General backing bearings Co., Ltd. will serve as SKF (SKF), a subsidiary of the Group to continue to operate independently. SKF acquired General Bearing Co., Ltd. (GBC), whose main brand is General and Hyatt, General Bearing Company, under the leadership of Mr. David Gussack use of their factories in China for the U.S. automotive market and heavy marketing services, business development quite successful .

      SKF distributor in China with your look (GBC) General Bearing Company: GBC was established in 1955, headquartered in the United States 纽约西奈阿克 (West Nyack); in China has four factories: where a ball bearing factory, two home tapered roller bearings factories and a precision roller factory; total 1,750 employees, of which the United States 140, China 1,610 names; 2011 period, GBC expected sales of about $ 155 million, and its operating margin and Skye Rover Group considerably. General Bearing Corporation (GBC) focus on its service industry supporting customers (OEM) and end-user capabilities, especially in trucks, trailers, automotive and industrial markets

LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia

Northeast Asia, SKF bearings: SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia to start building
        SKF backing bearings sales center in Northeast Asia, SKF (SKF) in the northeastern part of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone opened a new distribution center to start building. SKF start building distribution center in Northeast Asia marks, SKF Northeast Asia Pacific region initially built a global network, then, China and the entire Asia-Pacific region will be achieved within a shorter delivery time better delivery rate.

       SKF Northeast Asian distribution center, located in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in northern Haidong, with a total investment of about 100 million kronor. Will be fully operational in 2013. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia 30-meter automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) automatic storage center. SKF to open distribution center in Northeast Asia is also under construction LEED standards (LEED standards established by the U.S. Green Stainless steel slewing bearing Council, including for high-performance green building design, construction and operation of a series of rating system) for construction, SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia will Be SKF (SKF) first energy and environmental Design certification under (LEED) gold standards for the construction of warehousing center. 2011, SKF in the world with 11 meet LEED standards for construction projects started.

       LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia, but also to strengthen SKF SKF's long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, which is also reflected in the SKF SKF recently implemented beyond zero (BeyondZero) strategies. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia Logistics Group is the world's best methods of operation and the most advanced logistics infrastructure to better support the SKF Northeast Asia, dealers and customers, and with it, SKF will be shorter delivery cargo delivery period to achieve a better rate. SKF Northeast Asian distribution center will serve the entire northeast region, becoming SKF in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, which consists of regional distribution centers as part of a global network

Northeast Asia, SKF bearings: SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia to start building

        SKF lysn-bearing sales center in Northeast Asia, SKF (SKF) in the northeastern part of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone opened a new distribution center to start building. SKF start building distribution center in Northeast Asia marks, SKF Northeast Asia Pacific region initially built a global network, then, China and the entire Asia-Pacific region will be achieved within a shorter delivery time better delivery rate.

       SKF Northeast Asian distribution center, located in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in northern Haidong, with a total investment of about 100 million kronor. Will be fully operational in 2013. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia 30-meter automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) automatic storage center. SKF to open tapered bearing center in Northeast Asia is also under construction LEED standards (LEED standards established by the U.S. Green Building Council, including for high-performance green building design, construction and operation of a series of rating system) for construction, SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia will Be SKF (SKF) first energy and environmental Design certification under (LEED) gold standards for the construction of warehousing center. 2011, SKF in the world with 11 meet LEED standards for construction projects started.

       LEED standard SKF distribution center in Northeast Asia, but also to strengthen SKF SKF's long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, which is also reflected in the SKF SKF recently implemented beyond zero (BeyondZero) strategies. SKF has a distribution center in Northeast Asia Logistics Group is the world's best methods of operation and the most advanced logistics infrastructure to better support the SKF Northeast Asia, dealers and customers, and with it, SKF will be shorter delivery cargo delivery period to achieve a better rate. SKF Northeast Asian distribution center will serve the entire northeast region, becoming SKF in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, which consists of regional distribution centers as part of a global network

Smart meters with a transformer and chip

Analysis: Intelligence and photovoltaic industry development era transformers Source: Published: 2011-12-12 17:18 569 Views Size: 16px 14px 12px
Analysis: Intelligence and photovoltaic industry development era transformer
With the accelerated development of China's economy in recent years, the electricity market power equipment, especially the growing demand for distribution transformers. The industry trend Westinghouse Electric Co., Ltd. of Guangdong and other domestic transformer manufacturers an important opportunity to tapered bearing a welcome, electric vehicles, new energy and other high-rise market, electric cars cost, miniaturization, fast charge and other characteristics of the transformer safety and efficiency, higher demands.

In the field of photovoltaic and wind energy, the main application of the output power of up to 1000KW high frequency switching transformer, the transformer inductance component combinations were generally play a transformer, filtering, energy storage effect.

Smart meters with a transformer and chip, set measurement, communications, microelectronics, digital signal disposal and computer technology as a whole. Interactive, providing electricity, the price ladder and power supply options, energy metering, multi-functional measurement of electrical backing bearings  the rate control, prepaid and load control, data processing and storage, communications, and display real-time data. The next five years, the government is expected to invest 38 billion yuan. Achieve energy meter from mechanical to electronic development, and gradually move towards intelligent.

Meanwhile, the transmission and distribution loss, power utilization, industry overcapacity and other issues, but also to bring the transformer business challenges. National authorities are efforts to accelerate the elimination of high consumption, high pollution and backward technology and production capacity. Improve production efficiency, promote sustainable development, technological innovation and economic growth. Transformer enterprises need to focus on the introduction of high-end professionals from the start, to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and key technology research and development awareness of energy-saving technologies transformer, the transformer industry structure to improve the structure and production process, so that the transformer energy efficiency has improved steadily, adapt to future market requirements

company for 10 years along the way

  2012.06.18 FAG Schaeffler China , Ningxia Co., Ltd. as the world's major production base of railway backing bearings , held in Yinchuan, Ningxia 10th anniversary celebration and the official carrier opening ceremony of the new plant . FAG China , Ningxia founded 10 years ago, has become a foothold in Ningxia , the national service of well-known enterprises , Ningxia local economic development and economic exchanges between China and Germany have made outstanding contributions .
 FAG China , Ningxia Limited development process, Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. was established in late 2001 , and in May 2002 formally put into operation , tapered bearing production of railway axle bearing TAROL. In 2003, Ningxia FAG Bearing company pioneered the introduction of railways in China bearing steel cage technology for several large-scale speed rail provides ample technical support. May 2010 to begin production of single row tapered roller bearings , and in May 2012 began trial production of deep groove ball bearings. The company also has obtained ISO 9001:2008 (TUEV), ISO 14001:2004, Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the Chinese Ministry of Railways and many other auditing and certification.
Schaeffler Group (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) company for 10 years along the way, the combination of all employees for their hard work , but also with Yinchuan, Ningxia , and levels of government support are inseparable, but also inseparable from Schaeffler Group headquarters and regional headquarters units of the guidance and support of colleagues . Yinchuan City Vice Mayor Wang Jiubin on behalf of the local government gave a warm speech to Schaeffler ( Ningxia ) Co., congratulations. Subsequently, the Yinchuan Municipal Committee Chairman HE Manming , Yinchuan City Vice Mayor Wang Jiubin and CFO Asia Pacific Schaeffler Schaeffler ( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. , chairman of the high Bruneau , Managing Director of Schaeffler Greater hook construction Dr. Hui , Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) ( Ningxia ) package Xiaojun , general manager of joint press button to light the marks Schaeffler (FAG, INA, LUK) (( Ningxia ) Co., Ltd. New plant enabled plasma ball . celebration ceremony on behalf of older employees to the company also presented the medals .