
They said the number of employees , competitors

first visited China showrooms  China headquarters  Investments Limited Deputy General Manager Tan Dylan to briefly introduce the company's main products and business profiles, exhibition hall exhibits a rich variety of tips to attract visitors who often stop to watch .
deputy general manager of China headquarters Tan further briefed the headquarters in China Ltd. and  Milestones Investment in China . They said the number of employees , competitors, the situation and development strategy , the guests certainly a good environment and quality services in Economic Development Zone, to provide enterprises full complement cylindrical roller bearing with the same time, the regional headquarters of  the selection and expressed appreciation for the vision , and issued a heartfelt wishes for further success in the development of China
Meanwhile on September 29 afternoon, the Science and Technology Department of Province Women's Federation and more than 100 people come to his party headquarters located  China Investment Co. , conducted a visit , and the Chinese headquarters of Ltd. Future Investment the success shows the expectations and wishes.

