
The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification

Solid state phase transition, by the method of rapidly heating the surface layer part of the surface hardening treatment is called a heat treatment , known as surface hardening . Including flame hardening , high ( in ) frequency induction heating quenching, laser heating or electron beam heating quenching. KOYO bearing characteristics of these methods are: local heating surface hardening , the workpiece deformation ; heating speed, high production efficiency ; heating time is short, very slight surface oxidation and decarbonization . This method especially for improving the wear resistance to withstand certain impact loads and fatigue strength effects of large and extra large bearing parts significantly .
The use of certain elements into solid state diffusion to change the chemical composition of the metal surface layer , deep groove ball bearings to achieve surface hardening method called chemical heat strengthened, also known as diffusion heat treatment . Including boriding metals , carburizing and carbonitriding , nitriding and nitrocarburizing , sulfide and Sulphonitrocarburizing , Chromizing , aluminized and chrome aluminum silicon permeation , diffusion layer graphite , etc. , a wide range of different characteristics . Or dissolved into the matrix metal element forming a solid solution with other metals or elements to form compounds. I.e. short change the chemical composition of the elements into the surface layer , and a different phase structure can be obtained . Surface treatment process and carburizing bearing KOYO bearing sleeve nitrided steel parts are enhanced handling this type of fortification .
The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification , to give the desired composition of the surface hardening treatment or tissue enhancement technique called surface metallurgy . Including the surface from the insoluble alloy or composite  powder coatings, crystalline or amorphous surface melting , surface alloying methods. Deep groove ball bearing is characterized by rapid heating to a high energy bearings for printing machine density , the surface of the metal layer or metal coating on the surface of the alloying material is melted and then solidified by cooling to obtain their particular structure or particular properties of the reinforcing layer . This particular structure is perhaps the crystal structure refinement , or maybe supersaturated phase , metastable phase , even non- crystal structure , depending on the process parameters and methods of surface tapered rollers metallurgy . Rolling industry in miniature bearing surface enhanced laser heating has done research to good effect.
Application of physical or chemical methods , the coating on the metal surface bearing a different material properties of the matrix to strengthen the film , the film referred to as surface hardening. It includes electroplating , electroless plating ( chrome, nickel, copper, silver , etc. ) as well as composite plating, brush or transformation processing , including in recent years, the rapid development of high-tech : as CVD, PVD, P-CVD , etc. vapor deposition and ion implantation method to strengthen the film surface enhancement technology ( also known as atomic metallurgy ) and so on. Their common feature is the film can form specific performance in the work surface to enhance the wear resistance of the surface resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and self-lubricating properties. Such as ion implantation technology to strengthen the deep groove ball bearing surface , enabling the bearing surface wear , corrosion resistance, and resistance to contact fatigue performance have been significantly improved , so that the service life of bearings KOYO grow exponentially .

