
They said the number of employees , competitors

first visited China showrooms  China headquarters  Investments Limited Deputy General Manager Tan Dylan to briefly introduce the company's main products and business profiles, exhibition hall exhibits a rich variety of tips to attract visitors who often stop to watch .
deputy general manager of China headquarters Tan further briefed the headquarters in China Ltd. and  Milestones Investment in China . They said the number of employees , competitors, the situation and development strategy , the guests certainly a good environment and quality services in Economic Development Zone, to provide enterprises full complement cylindrical roller bearing with the same time, the regional headquarters of  the selection and expressed appreciation for the vision , and issued a heartfelt wishes for further success in the development of China
Meanwhile on September 29 afternoon, the Science and Technology Department of Province Women's Federation and more than 100 people come to his party headquarters located  China Investment Co. , conducted a visit , and the Chinese headquarters of Ltd. Future Investment the success shows the expectations and wishes.


usually with rolling bearings or sliding bearings assembled into one

Machine shaft parts, especially the spindle , usually with rolling bearings or sliding bearings assembled into one , and a high speed of rotation , and sometimes it will produce a very high NNCF series bearing heat. This phenomenon if not removed , will cause angular contact ball bearings overheating , and to the corresponding parts of the machine to produce thermal deformation temperature , causes severe spindle and  is not high , which not only affects the accuracy and precision machine itself and bearing will burn .
In general, if used correctly  bearings can be used to reach far fatigue life. Accidental injury prematurely slim section ball bearing but there can not be resistant in case of use . This early damage and fatigue life relative , a failure or an accident is called the quality of use limits. Multiple causes the installation , pay attention to the lubrication on the use , invading foreign body from the outside , for the study of the shaft , the thermal effects of inadequate housing and so on.
Bearing on the state of damage , such as: angular contact ball bearing rings , ribs cards injury, may be considered as a reason for lack of lubricant , not suitable for the oil discharge structure defects, the intrusion of foreign bodies , bearing misalignment , shaft deflection is too large , there will be overlap of these reasons .
Thus , the survey only bearing damage , it is difficult to know the real cause of injury. However , if you know the use of machinery, conditions of use, the bearing structure around the bearing , to understand the situation before and after the accident , combined with state of the bearing damage , and several reasons, we can prevent similar incidents from recurring.


According to aspects of bearings distributor in China

According to aspects of bearings distributor in China, the world's leading bearings, seals,  services and lubrication systems suppliers - Swedish SKF Group in February 13, 2012 announced a $ 125 million acquisition of New York-based GBC bearings  Acquisition General Bearing Company in full compliance with SKF  use other brand product lines cylindrical roller bearing complement development strategy to further strengthen brand in other areas not covered by the market growth.
 "I am honored to be joining  Group expects will be able to accelerate the profitable growth of the bearing business, we emphasize the economic benefits of overseas production, General Bearing Corporation  in China's successful track record will make the Group unleashed, can Help  better serve these important markets. "General Bearing Co., Ltd. Mr. Chairman and CEO Davidtalked about in this acquisition.
 General Bearing Co., Ltd. will serve as a subsidiary of the Group to continue to operate independently. acquired  General Bearing Co., Ltd. , whose main brand is General and Hyatt, General Bearing paired tapered bearing  Company, under the leadership of Mr. David Gussack use of their factories in China for the U.S. automotive market and heavy marketing services, business development quite distributor in China with your look  General Bearing Company: was established in 1955, headquartered in the United States  in China has four factories: where a ball bearing factory, two home tapered roller bearings factories and a precision roller factory; total 1,750 employees, of which the United States 140, China 1,610 names; 2011 period, expected sales of about $ 155 million, and its operating margin and Skye Rover Group considerably. General Bearing Corporation  focus on its service industry supporting customers  and end-user capabilities, especially in trucks, trailers, automotive and industrial markets.


By NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal

2010 China International Exhibition, organized by the State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the National Energy Administration, China Coal Industry Association co-sponsored by the State Administration of Production Safety Supervision and Management Center for International Cooperation contractor, the theme was "safe and efficient  mining, green carbon use." In addition to showcasing the exhibition changing the mode of development of coal industry's achievements in scientific and technological innovations of coal enterprises, the main show coal production, preparation bearings for printing machine and processing, mine construction, coal transportation, coal mine safety, geological exploration, coal chemical industry, mine explosion practical aspects of advanced technology and equipment.
 Exhibition 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal origin of the Chinese, the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia and other countries and regions, more than 10 research institutions and numerous famous. As the world's largest bearing manufacturer  Seiko Co., Ltd., one of Japan (NSK), also participated in the exhibition.
 And exhibited a series of devices, bearing as many of the core components of mining machinery, almost throughout bearings for printing machine  all the equipment in the field. 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition on Coal, NSK exhibited a series of mine and all kinds of Bearings NSK Bearings special installation tools, test equipment, in-kind exhibition and novel video presentation attracted up to 2,000 people, the number of daily visitors to visit, a total of issue various samples sent up to 1,555 books, by the visitors alike.
By NSK exhibitors 2010 Beijing China International Exhibition Coal, NSK with more exhibitors had extensive experience and information exchange, consolidate and develop more win-win partnership. The exhibition on the further development of NSK, has played a catalytic role.


Schaeffler Group President and CEO Dr

Mr. Klaus Rosenfeld Dresdner Bank AG board member since 2002, is responsible for Dresdner region's financial control, business investment.
 Schaeffler Group President double row cylindrical roller bearing and CEO Dr. Yu Ergen said Claudia Strobel Senfei De sir "Claudia Strobel Senfei De, we have listened to the views of many board members and experts acknowledged, you want to Schaeffler Group this challenging financial environment to grow, it must Schaeffler Group's financialsplit roller bearing management to make greater contributions to the cause, you understand? "replied Mr. Klaus Rosenfeld quite sure
efore February 18, has informed the German FAG Bearings Group's former chief financial officer Thomas Hetmann (46 years old) will leave the company after the transfer of its duties. Schaeffler Group thanked Mr Thomas Hetmann the hard work and dedication to the company.


The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification

Solid state phase transition, by the method of rapidly heating the surface layer part of the surface hardening treatment is called a heat treatment , known as surface hardening . Including flame hardening , high ( in ) frequency induction heating quenching, laser heating or electron beam heating quenching. KOYO bearing characteristics of these methods are: local heating surface hardening , the workpiece deformation ; heating speed, high production efficiency ; heating time is short, very slight surface oxidation and decarbonization . This method especially for improving the wear resistance to withstand certain impact loads and fatigue strength effects of large and extra large bearing parts significantly .
The use of certain elements into solid state diffusion to change the chemical composition of the metal surface layer , deep groove ball bearings to achieve surface hardening method called chemical heat strengthened, also known as diffusion heat treatment . Including boriding metals , carburizing and carbonitriding , nitriding and nitrocarburizing , sulfide and Sulphonitrocarburizing , Chromizing , aluminized and chrome aluminum silicon permeation , diffusion layer graphite , etc. , a wide range of different characteristics . Or dissolved into the matrix metal element forming a solid solution with other metals or elements to form compounds. I.e. short change the chemical composition of the elements into the surface layer , and a different phase structure can be obtained . Surface treatment process and carburizing bearing KOYO bearing sleeve nitrided steel parts are enhanced handling this type of fortification .
The use of the surface layer of the metal melting and re- solidification , to give the desired composition of the surface hardening treatment or tissue enhancement technique called surface metallurgy . Including the surface from the insoluble alloy or composite  powder coatings, crystalline or amorphous surface melting , surface alloying methods. Deep groove ball bearing is characterized by rapid heating to a high energy bearings for printing machine density , the surface of the metal layer or metal coating on the surface of the alloying material is melted and then solidified by cooling to obtain their particular structure or particular properties of the reinforcing layer . This particular structure is perhaps the crystal structure refinement , or maybe supersaturated phase , metastable phase , even non- crystal structure , depending on the process parameters and methods of surface tapered rollers metallurgy . Rolling industry in miniature bearing surface enhanced laser heating has done research to good effect.
Application of physical or chemical methods , the coating on the metal surface bearing a different material properties of the matrix to strengthen the film , the film referred to as surface hardening. It includes electroplating , electroless plating ( chrome, nickel, copper, silver , etc. ) as well as composite plating, brush or transformation processing , including in recent years, the rapid development of high-tech : as CVD, PVD, P-CVD , etc. vapor deposition and ion implantation method to strengthen the film surface enhancement technology ( also known as atomic metallurgy ) and so on. Their common feature is the film can form specific performance in the work surface to enhance the wear resistance of the surface resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and self-lubricating properties. Such as ion implantation technology to strengthen the deep groove ball bearing surface , enabling the bearing surface wear , corrosion resistance, and resistance to contact fatigue performance have been significantly improved , so that the service life of bearings KOYO grow exponentially .


Bearing structure and conditions of service

Generally speaking , the proper use of the rolling bearing , the fatigue life can be achieved . But early damage if an accident occurs , you can no longer use . And fatigue different life, this early damage , known as failure or accident. Multiple causes of installation , use, lubrication on the ill- considered , from the intrusion of foreign bodies or external to the shaft , bearing insufficient research .
Thus , the survey only bearing damage , it is difficult to know the real cause of injury. However , if you fully understand the use of the bearing of the machine, the foundation conditions and its peripheral structure, clarify the situation before and after the failure  occurred , combined with damage of bearings and analyze a variety of related reasons , we can prevent similar failures again. Bearing Injury representative and countermeasures.
Even the use of ultra- modern manufacturing techniques and processing the highest bearing parts . Observed with thrust ball bearing pretension load change reading method . Preload method has its negative aspects , is well known . The appearance of their work will always be kept in the appropriate parts of the micrometer head against the end face of the bearing or shaft .
1 . Bearing structure and conditions of service . Different structures for different conditions of service ; different auto parts bearing on the structure of their process vary , it affects  their quality. Therefore, we should develop new structured products to suit different bearings for rolling mills conditions of service and may indicate its appropriate service conditions or performance on the rolling bearing instructions to facilitate customer choice .
2 . Strengthen technology research, improve the processing technology to improve processing quality and reduce the possibility of defects in the processing . If the heat treatment , a greater variety of inner and outer rings , try to use the lower limit of the quenching temperature , holding time to adapt , to improve the alloy concentration , increasing the fracture strength of martensite , and choose a higher return under the premise of quality assurance ignition temperature to enhance the toughness of the workpiece.
3 . Improved processing means of monitoring and promoting quality improvement process . Such as improved monitoring of the flow path curvature position , improve the overall performance of the car bearing assembly after Rolling improve working conditions .