
slim section ball bearing accelerated into the world's top ten bearing

Faced with a historic opportunity of rapid development of machinery industry and the revitalization of northeast old industrial base, slim section ball bearing Group LLC momentum, accelerate the development slim section ball bearing of industrial output value 2.48 billion yuan, 3.02 billion yuan sales income, profit 170 million yuan, exports $ 42 million. On this basis, Wazhou also proposed an early realization of the goal of entering the top ten in the world bearing. Wazhou rapid development in recent years, mainly due to its marketing service network to achieve results. The company's top ten selling the company's sales department from 29 to 37, the new 29 foreign agents in the country has established 20 distribution centers. With thanks to its national policy, starting point for technological transformation. Major equipment items precision bearings, large precision bearings experimental research platform transformation projects, seven projects have been included in the "bond projects." Thanks to further enhance its R & D capabilities. 596 kinds of new products throughout the year, the transformation of the old 210 kinds of products, Slim-bearing to replace imported products 230 kinds, 34 completed the process of innovation, patented 30. Thanks to its insistence on mechanisms and institutional innovation, and vigorously promote the separation of major. The forging factory, stripped the ball branch restructuring and the market as a whole, after the restructuring of production and sales were up 30 percent over last year. Thanks to its lower costs for promoting the use of "Resource Efficiency Action" effect. Implement only online bidding, slim section ball bearing 82 million yuan the year to save money. Faced with more intense market competition, in order to achieve an early goal to enter the top ten in the world bearing, precision bearings  proposed to promote the "four accelerate project" to complete the "Ten transformation project" to achieve "double six goals." "Four Acceleration Project" are: accelerating the reform of property rights system and operation mode, accelerate the adjustment of product structure, accelerate technological innovation and technological innovation, accelerate the construction of marketing services network. "Ten transformation projects," including: large equipment bearing projects, railway projects slim section ball bearing, automotive bearing items, auto parts projects. "Six double goal" is: By 2005, sales, product exports, with a variety of products with independent intellectual property rights, labor productivity, gross profit and income of workers six indicators to be based on the double six indicators,, on the basis of the double again. At the same time, promoting the brand strategy, strive to enter the ranks of the "China Famous Brand".

