
so the stored procedure between the slim section ball bearing must be rust.

for machinery brought huge losses, especially in precision parts such as bearings, etc., resulting in corrosion, not only affect the accuracy and surface roughness, but also reduces the life, but you can not use or even scrapped .
Bearing rust work is an important task, especially rust between processes, such as heat treatment plant slim section ball bearing in pickling, cleaning, after grinding, there are many tapered roller bearing processes. When not using the product water production, a process completed in sequence would be stored in the middle of the library, so the stored procedure between the bearing rings must be rust.
Traditional methods and lack of rust
Methods commonly used inter-process rust bearings are the following:
1 dip tank in rust
The bearing trap immersed stainless steel slewing bearing in 5% aqueous solution of 0.6% sodium nitrite and sodium carbonate, the rust is still good, but a lot of rust tank and other equipment, take up a lot of space management is not easy.
2 dipping concentrated solution of sodium nitrite
After washing the product, immersed in a 15% -20% sodium nitrite and 0.6% sodium carbonate solution, and then it is stacked up. In this way short of its rust, generally only kept 14 days, but in the rainy season, due to wet weather, keeping only 2-3 days
It must be reprocessed, it takes labor and money.
3 oiled paired tapered bearing
Like anti-rust oil painted like a finished product. This method must be cleaned before the next step, more trouble.

